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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. I really like that saying.
  2. I thought the watkins trade made that clear during the offseason.....
  3. can we put it in iowa? Easier for me to ignore if it is there
  4. just wanted to add true dat
  5. No but for serious feel his internet wraith
  6. to dismiss advanced stats is kinda like buying a car without checking into things like recalls, reviews, value. to dismiss doing the eyeball test is like buying a car without sitting in it and test driving it. whats my point? advanced stats lets you get a head start in the direction to go, it helps forecast outcomes. But with out a experienced mind sitting down and going for a test drive you won't have a complete answer. So for Nolan to dismiss advanced stats is distrubing to me and does nothing to quell my fears of him being a dinosaur of a coach. Keep in mind his sabres team only had the success they had because they had the greatest goalie ever (I am accepting of no arguing the greatest goalie part).
  7. for the most part the only discretion the ref should have is, was that 2, 4, or 5. Should slashing calls not be called if the player was simply trying to knock the puck away?
  8. it is anything but the worst rule in hockey. The ref had the discretion to call a minor if he felt someone purposely shot the puck out of play. It was never called. I want less grey area in the rule book not more
  9. always been like that? Most dogs if they where crated from pups will calm down once alone in there.
  10. crate him when he is alone?
  11. I don't really know any comparable for pysyk. His stick checkimg reminds me of lidstrom, his skating reminds me of svoboda, and his breakout passing of campbell. Obviously not on the levels of lidstrom or campbell but it reminds me of it. As for the critism of his physical play. Are people confusing physical play with big hits? Cause he does play the body and he does engage in front of the net and it is not the token effort campbell would do.
  12. I like pysyk. I think he has a excellent chance of having a long lucrative career. I know I have said it before, but he plays the game rhe way I like from defense. Good skating, good stick work, physical enough to not get pushed around, good passing.
  13. jlaws nudes? Boobies?
  14. I agree to a certain extent. Right now thou I look at it like the nazi concentration camps that get tourists. It serves as a reminder of what was endured and what transpired.
  15. the dick move would be to NOT get that card
  16. you don't grow your US exposure with crap teams that are managed poorly (Atlanta, Florida, Glendale). So unless you get the right owners in place to hire the right people to get the right players all you end up with is a couple more US teams that are dragging down the rest of the league. However you put a 2nd team in Toronto or possibly even Quebec you are almost assured of revenue growth. It is kinda like going to a casino and playing the slot machine hoping to hit that progressive jackpot sure there is a chance it could happen, or you could go play some blackjack and have a much better chance of walking away with money.
  17. I dont have the old gen one. But my understanding is everything in nhl 14 is in nhl 15 for old gen. You are basically paying for a roster ypdate and new tuner sets
  18. wishful thinking I know.
  19. to question the unquestionable to attack the unattackable to throw cold water but not in the name of als research
  20. in simple terms it will create 2 lanes of traffic on the internet. One fast and the other not as fast. In reality it is going to cause isp like time warner and comcast to force services like netflix or xbox or playstation to pay whatever increased fees they dictate because if they don't they will legally be allowed to slow down all data transmitted by any of them in route to both of their customers. If you want a fairly good and funny take on it youtube john oliver net neutrality
  21. it is going to be insane sunday. I just hope the drunken hooligans somewhat behave
  22. you are right it comes out around the same time every year. regardless of how ready it is.
  23. just wanted to add. this is not listed as a september patch. the coach grading you when you go to the bench is. sim to next shift is not set dates don't mean anything to them. they set reveal dates for the next game every year. I don't think they have hit one yet. I will be shocked if they roll out OTP before december hits.
  24. here ya go hardcore. here is the lawyers dodge from Rammer in his Q and A. asked a direct question if we had to wait till nhl 16 for this and does he confirm or deny? nope we get the we will be transparent as we build back blah blah blah oo and time table tbd EA_HLT wrote: Penguins2013 wrote:When could we expect OTP as we were used too with Created players for Leagues like VGHL and others its's important to our seasons and future to know if it will be implemented with created players in NHL 15 or if it will come in NHL 16 with EASHL possibly? Please answer!!! Thanks for everything you do for the community. We'll be fully transparent on the development of OTP as we build back towards created players and the EASHL. The exact timetable is TBD.
  25. so instead of backing up your claim. you want me to refute your imaginary claim?
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