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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. good thing we don't have a gun problem in the good ole USA
  2. cheating the secret is cheating.
  3. Buffalo will never host a super bowl
  4. Or you know call work and be like can't come in today I am sick
  5. I don't think that will happen. If I understand correctly (absolutely possible I am wrong) most virus run a course of becoming less lethal and more contagious. I don't think it is possible to eradicate covid anymore. It is the new flu. 30 years from now we will have a new generation of Frumps telling us how the new super pandemic virus is actually nothing because covid kills more people per year by comparison
  6. So ***** tired of seeing the "resistance" ***** on social media concerning covid precautions. I bet 90% of the ***** saying that wearing a mask or vaccine mandates goes against personal freedoms are also telling women they don't have reproductive rights. If abortion is murder so is refusing to wear a mask and getting vaccinated
  7. honest answer? because *****heads that could get the vaccine have chosen to act like they are being persecuted like it is 1939.
  8. I think Rick should have his own thread. Also seems sabres twitter is really liking meme
  9. And you call yourself a doctor...
  10. Didn't much care during the drama of the off season. I care even less now. I look forward to the day 30 years from now when sabres fans stop bringing up everything eichel
  11. Back to back weeks with an undefeated matchup has not been kind to my team
  12. I mean how do you miss 2 o-lineman moving before the snap?
  13. Isn't R2 on a 5 or 6 game point streak?
  14. Our o-line is brutal
  15. How was that not block in the back on the 9 yard line?
  16. Dahlin as of late has been severely hockey dumb at times.
  17. I speke hoo I whant
  18. Noone should be that good
  19. I got a bit lightheaded for the first 12 hours. Felt perfectly fine the next 12 hours. Rounded it out with waking up with cold sweats 36 hours out. Overall was milder compared to the original 2 doses
  20. wtf, i got the flu shot i got the covid shots and the BOOSTER. Why is my 5g reception at home so bad DAMN YOU BILL GATES
  21. the david lynch version i assume? it is a polarizing movie, it is one of thous love it or hate it types. Denis Villeneuve movie is only covering half of the book which is also about half the Lynch movie. so to answer your question.... yes and no. it is an 2 hours 35 minute movie. But much of that extra time is given to letting scenes and characters breath instead of trying to cram 3 hours of story into a 2 hour movie. Side note if you enjoy Dune and want to see a better version compared to what Lynch did try and find the Dune miniseries from the scifi channel that was done back in 2000
  22. My good sir all I can say to that is
  23. Not sure a 6 and 9 year old would like the movie. It is also fairly violent per the mpaa rating. Having read the books I thought it was really good. I also think it is a movie that people should see in theaters and in particular imax if you have the chance. The visuals are amazing
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