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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. My computer will not boot up on the intial start. I have to wait for the monitor to blink out from no signal and then hit the hard reboot button. I have read that it is due to a non certified driver but damned if i can find it.
  2. bah he is totally a red/blue mana cost
  3. are you barkoving me with the puns?
  4. Hardcore star wars mytho discussion on sabresspace..... this is why i love this forum
  5. Coup, Love Letter, and the non romancey sounding version called Loot Letter are fun party card games too
  6. IMO feel free to post what ever you want. I am seeing the movie this weekend and will be avoiding this thread until after that.
  7. jessica jones was really good. i highly recommend the show to anyone that is thinking of watching it.
  8. I kinda like the idea
  9. I thought a boarding major carried a game misconduct also...
  10. bigger nets and bigger ice are what need to happen. reducing goalie equipment is only a bandaid. I am also in favor of making big changes to the neutral zone. Something along the lines of making offsides linked to a teams defensive blue line but keeping icing at the center line.
  11. nsfw due to naughty language
  12. liger, I need crazy haired alien scientest picture asap
  13. Rainhard is the most surprising for me. With the way he was talked about I thought he would need a year in roch. But I think he is showing the promise he was drafted for.
  14. Can we fix the date in the subject line? I reaf it and started thinking I missed a game last night lol
  15. Fox was able to do it 15 - 20 years ago. I would think with all the new tech it should be able to be done and cheaper
  16. you mean you don't already have this?
  17. is this how sabres fan sound when we would defend kaleta?
  18. I think trolling schoop counts as cred on twitter
  19. http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3883
  20. To be honest... the hobbit is a kids book
  21. I have had no problems with ads on your site. what i cannot stand is the sites that have a side bar type ad that starts playing a video with frelling SOUND!!!! I mean WTF i shrug my shoulders at all the damned click me ads and even the blinking flashing ones that pretend me clicking on the moving ball will mean i win a prize. but i draw the line when i just want to read something on a page and it loads some damned infomercial type sales thing that i have to click stop or mute on every damn 60 seconds. well well well a fellow gamer. just one question. basic land of preference?
  22. Thought it would be helpful to have a seperate topic for this. So what are people using? And on what browser are you using it?
  23. I am convince that my dog was a cat in another life. He is always trying to balance on armrests. Unfortunately he did not carry over the cat agility.
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