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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. The electoral college voting in clinton would be more of a surprise than the election results.
  2. i feel as thou we might have been brothers in a past life. I to purchased the prime deal because of this lol
  3. maybe i am not remembering. Remind me when did obama say all catholics would be barred from gun ownership? This is not like previous elections in my lifetime. Everyone should be worried with the rhetoric that has come out and continues to come out.
  4. what has stirred this pot is the hateful speech that trump spewed and incited thru out the campaign. To say the left is overreacting is to downplay the amount of vitriol that came out of trumps campaign. You can't spread a message of hate and intolerance without there being a pushback of equal preportion
  5. Who needs batman when you have robin? Lol that was good
  6. god bless salted roads #starwarsagainsthate
  7. as a former auto mechanic I believe in, plan for the worst hope for the best
  8. back in my day you had to add the butter after the kernels popped.........
  9. didn't she pose for playboy?
  10. first time that happens will be the last time that system will ever be used in the US. Sooooo I am in favor of it.
  11. I would not say he has surprised the out of me, but he has impressed.
  12. I have a feeling there will be a whole bunch of buyers remorse in 3 years
  13. I waited in line for 2 minutes and that was only because the person ahead of me was not in the book. Seems it is a known issue this election as they had a handful like that. they had no idea what was causing it since it was all sorts of people it was happening to. For the first time in my voting life i went straight democrat across the board. This election was such a show and the republican party failed this country so bad. My hope is the republicans lose so badly that they reinvent themselves for the next election
  14. I just started watching West World. I found it disturbingly good.
  15. easy way to stop that..... enforce the actual rules and do something radical like suspend players for serious penalties
  16. i refuse to accept Brodeur as a great goalie. He never carried a team. Hell I don't even think he was ever the best player on his team.
  17. http://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/the-horrors-of-math
  18. cavity searches for rest of the home games? haha
  19. I am curious how it was smuggled in
  20. soooo. who was it that threw the sex toy on the field? haha
  21. a serbian film always struck me as a dare type movie. I just imagine some director pissed off at the money behind his movie and thinking to himself "how can i screw over the studio."
  22. so........... when you getting perp walked to county?
  23. Guessing it is because we drafted after the season started
  24. wow. never knew about that.
  25. xbox one as well
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