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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. i do not generally say this.... but qwk made some good points and i agree with many of them.
  2. I just watched that episode on Hulu last night lol
  3. Abs does suck in snow. If you know how to drive in snow. However abs has saved many many more lives compared to how many accidents it may have contributed to.
  4. i did go to see ralphie may a few years back. he was so damned high...... still funny but his pauses always went 5 seconds longer and made it creep into awkward. it kind of made it better
  5. Seemed like we had a fair amount of discussion about Stand up comedy. Seems like a good thing to have a separate topic for. Everyone can use a good laugh now a days. Craig Ferguson has a few specials between Netflix and Hulu iliza shlesinger is funny jim jefferies is pretty good if you like crude and rude
  6. the gif game displayed in this thread is as the kids say now-a-days "on point". I give you all 5 gold stars....... but you PA get a 6th gold star.
  7. episode 3 of the grand tour..... Richard Hammond is a secret american i swear haha.
  8. better than Sakic?
  9. American cheese is an insult to taste buds and drags the American name thru the mud. Make Cheese great again. go cheddar.
  10. Fantastic beasts was..... fantastic!I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't say anything about the ending.
  11. What kind of degenerate shoots a dog with BBs. Being dog owner I am sure you know what foods to avoid for them. But maybe he got into something with onion during thanksgiving or he has a food allergy. I couldn't watch the video (privacy settings) but dogs with primarily white hair are known for allergies across different breeds. Glad the little guy is doing better and has found a good home.
  12. you are always pushing something JJ. it is why you get into so many heated arguments here.
  13. I am torn on the whole recount thing. I understand and agree with the idea of letting this pass because faith in the process is already low and the this would make that worse. However..... if it is true that machines in swing states where hacked and it altered the outcome of the election it has to be investigated. Either way i think this should put more pressure on the idea of revamping our outdated election system. the EC is a toothless system and i think it makes influencing elections far easier.
  14. thanks Obama. damn communists suppressing the white mans vote. if only we still had landownership requirements to vote more whites would have came out to vote. *the above was sarcasm
  15. seems to me it would have been easier if they just struck off the write in portion of voting. they could control who can be voted for and would be able to avoid the whole goon problem altogether without going to the sleazy method of coercing teams to send players to the ahl
  16. hard to believe the original version of this song had never been on the hot 100 even thou covers of it had. bit sad that it took his death for it to place.
  17. i must have missed the clip where obama said he was going to deport the white europeans or how the EU countries are sending over their criminals and rapists. Obama did not use racist or bigoted talking points to get the black vote. Trump unquestioningly did.
  18. radar are you saying rich white people will do whatever it takes to keep the profit margin going up? cause that is just crazy. next you will tell me we elected a president that bragged about not paying taxes.
  19. this ability you have to completely ignore things that don't fit the narrative you hold is amazing. there has been talk in the media and throughout the nation going back at least 16 years.
  20. i don't recall anyone predicting trump winning the popular vote. Also I am near 100% sure many people have complained about the electoral college for years. I know this because I have been one of the people complaining about it.
  21. i know. however I am a radical nerd thinker and my star wars can share things with my star trek. of course I may have to fear for my life during the nerd uprising now.
  22. you reap what you sow. I don't think the booing was right but what the cast did i am fine with. of course Dear Leader has taken to social media to express outrage that peasants dare show disrespect to members of his church of hate.
  23. that should have been the official trailer
  24. the vast majority of republicans will fall in line. it simply is the way of american politics. the question should be will enough go against the party to make a difference. of course I have a rather dim view of the party so i don't think enough will.
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