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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. i for one welcome our Darcy overlord
  2. when the only useful way to fix a roster is thru the draft you have to accept the worst teams getting first shot at the talent. How about this. if we want teams that just barely missed out on the playoffs winning the draft lottery how about we allow teams to sign free agents in a staggered schedule. the worse the record the sooner free agents can sign with you
  3. who is this wildcard you all speak of?
  4. Satan always stood out to me. that may be because he was on teams that had such a lack of offensive skill that it made him look so much better. I wish we would have had more skill in the lineups with him to know.
  5. if one needs proof that god exists I point to pizza and tell you god exists and he loves us..... Leonardi's pizza and a damn fine pie.
  6. come on Sens make me a bracket GOD!!!!!!!!
  7. it might be invite or need a direct link. It is the NHL so I am sure there is no right answer.
  8. is the league invite only? it is not currently searchable.
  9. i did cayenne peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries last year. all in pots. I am for sure on a cherry tomato plant and strawberries this season. not sure what else. anyone grow lettuce in pots? I hear it grows pretty good. also i like the idea of a garden thread
  10. that is one awesome grandpa
  11. I am not saying I would rent the car.... but if I did rent it, this is how I would do it
  12. Myers will win multiple Norris trophies in his career. Pretty sure I typed that once
  13. i do not see many scenarios where disco is coaching the sabres at the start of next season.
  14. randall flagg you're my hero........ no seriously I love you in a totally hetro only know you over the internet agree with your postings kind of way
  15. K. Flay did a cover of a Sinatra classic. unfortunately I do not seem to be able to embed it to the page. the link goes to alt buffalo's website. http://www.alternativebuffalo.com/blogs/daily-feed-acoustic107session-kflay-covers-frank-sinatra
  16. Lefty shooting right. I always considered myself as having a defensemen build in that regard
  17. they come away with a victory
  18. that game was worth it for the sea shanties alone
  19. my video game preferences have shifted pretty heavy onto the story side anymore
  20. great album by Alabama Shakes
  21. makes me wonder if i should pick any of them up on the cheap.
  22. so.. how good or bad is the new mass effect?
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