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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. it is tradition. I recall the 90's Bills getting the same treatment.... win 3 in a row and it is super bowl here we come. Lose 1 game and they are exposed for the frauds they are.
  2. Espn is stuck in the 90s. You can't stream mnf without a cable subscription or a live TV subscription (youtube TV, hulu tv, etc) they do have like 2 or 3 games that will stream to espn+ for the current season. It is so incredibly stupid. They have a streaming service. It should either be available on it or have a subscription tier that it is.
  3. I don't follow the nfl closely. But it seems like the raiders just find ways to lose in spectacular fashion. At least in the past 3-5 years
  4. What a wild finish to the cardinals game.
  5. Every commercial break is a sneak peek of glass onion! watching on peacock lol
  6. And left a paper trail of lies and cover ups. Won't be surprised if he gets away with it again.
  7. I mean why not?
  8. Have to say the reversal of the effect from the electoral college makes me laugh. One of the reasons for it was to limit the impact of the uneducated in electing unqualified people. Now the under educated hold the country hostage with it
  9. So... how we all feeling about the Frump presidency today?
  10. I didn't hate season 3. It wasn't as good as the first 2 but I didn't hate it. Season 4 so far has been pretty good. However I am known as someone that is easy to please when it comes to the media I watch. One of the catchphrases the show runners have repeated in interviews about season 4 is how the cast has aged up so they can ramp up the horror aspects of the show
  11. Again i say the issues of the prequels was not about being kid friendly. It was being the singular vision of Lucas. The man had a 22 year gap in directing movies and he has never been a good director.
  12. only got 2 more days to wait for the second half of season 4
  13. the worst parts of the prequels are born out of the fact that it was Lucas unleashed. He needed someone working with him to be like no George we are not doing that. Or at the least someone else directing. To blame the issues of the prequels on "kid friendly" is to ignore that all of Star Wars has always been about kid friendly.
  14. You have said you are better. It is the repeated arguement you use everytime someone calls out something you say and I am guessing I am not the only one that typically dismisses things you say because of it.
  15. It is almost as if American exceptionalism is a major problem
  16. That is illogical. If we banned private ownership of guns right now we would have less mass shooting compared to the last 10 years. Again right out of the nra playback. People commiting mass murders are doing so with the weapons that maximize the effort. The ability to obtain the weapons used is the force multiplier of the events
  17. Sounds to me like you are making the case for gun ownership licensing.
  18. at least the thoughts and prayers of the people that enabled it to happen are with the families. I am sure that makes up for the loss of multiple children.
  19. Every child that is born we should give them a handgun, assault rifle, and shotgun. Make them responsible for personal safety. Only thing that stops a bad person with a gun is a baby with 3 guns
  20. When you are the minority party and you are clinging on to your majority holdings the last thing you are doing is the "right thing"
  21. Oo look a discussion on white supremacy got moved to the political forum....... shocking
  22. As long as it isn't a designer one. They are a total ripoff
  23. I think my neighbor is a maple leafs fan. It is surprisingly silent tonight. Like a thousand fans let put a collective groan
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