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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. I don't think that will be the case. I think she will be a vital component are even the catalyst to kick off the plan but i don't think everything will be on her. I am curious on how they will use Marvel after endgame. she is a strange bridge across the timeline of events
  2. Goose may be the real star of the movie. The cameo was nice. The tribute made me cry Hulk is done? I thought Ruffalo had a few more movies on his contract after endgame
  3. on the recommendation front. Locke & Key is amazing. Gothic horror that even if you don't like the genre will most likely still enjoy.
  4. it occurred to me that we have some catch all off topics for damned near everything.. But i don't recall seeing one about comics. I thought it would be nice to have a spot to give opinions/recommendations/nerdgasim for anything comic or comic adjacent
  5. again. she had a comic series with the tag line Earth's mightiest hero. That series was back in 2012. if you want to go even further back she was cosmically supercharged by the great Chris Claremont back in the 80's and assumed the monkier of Binary. It is not a in vogue thing to put Captain Marvel in the heavy hitter range. to channel LL She been here for years
  6. I mean she does have a comic series with the tag line calling her earth's mightiest hero
  7. I feel like i am being trolled
  8. I kinda agree that the modern team would destroy any team from 75. You can overcome speed with team defense. But the game in 75 was light on team defense. It would be near impossible to overcome speed/skill coming from a team that is also stronger. The only thing the 75 teams could do is try and goon it up. They would have to injure enough players early enough in the game to make a difference in late game endurance
  9. My political leanings have mostly stayed the same. I lean very hard to the left on most things. But have a few subjects that go to the right. Over the years I have softened the edges of my leanings and become disillusioned to the effectiveness of our 2 party system. They say wisdom comes with age. As I have aged the only wisdom to my politics as been my ability to consider other people's ideas as correct.
  10. Sure is going to suck when orange man gets re-elected *note* I do not want it to happen. But pessimism is how I cope
  11. well what else should he do once they have turned their head and coughed
  12. Seen one reporter quoting him as saying he didn't have to declare an emergency. He just wanted to get it done faster. How can a person get so far and show that level of stupid. Courts should eat him alive, but I have little faith. By the time it gets played out he may have stacked another 1 or 2 judges on the court
  13. He said funny. Not ***** disturbing
  14. I stopped reading after 4. I feel as thou nothing was missed
  15. I feel like I am reading this wrong
  16. Thank you for the explanation. I thought it was just annual salary per year. I didn't realise they did signing bonus shenanigans also.
  17. I thought cap recapture was based on how much a team benefitted from the cap savings. How many seasons did Weber play in Nashville after signing?
  18. But is it? Seems perfectly in character
  19. Random zeppelin pick of the day
  20. I am not opposed to term limits on all elected positions. However you will never get the people in the positions of power to put limits on that power. When was the last time they passed any legislation that limited or rolled back any benefits due to them?
  21. Limit the power of the most powerful.... good luck
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