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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. I want to believe that the way i read the post is not the way it was intended. But like Scully I think I will remain skeptical.
  2. Godzilla was what you would expect it to be. Much like my opinion on john wick 3, if you like the genre (kaijumovies) you will probaly like it. I have so little faith in dark phoenix, I have been trying to convince my father for a month to wait for it to be on Netflix. So far the reviews are eviscerating it.
  3. Look what you did you GW deniers. You made bill nye swear
  4. The Chernobyl miniseries. I know they advertised a podcast that is suppose to do a deep dive into the story. Expanding where the show had to trim and talking where the show outright didn't talk about things
  5. John Wick 3. if you liked 1 and 2 you will like 3. Personally I thought it was delightful
  6. We take the handing over of power for granted in the usa. Put the wrong person in the machine and add the right conditions and it can be a recipe for disaster
  7. Declare martial law and call the elections rigged. He has been laying the ground work for the latter since before the 2016 election.
  8. So was hanging masters on poles in imitation of what they did to the slave children. Yes the masters deserved death. But it was a cold biblical punishment. That set the tone of fear that dany has cultivated.
  9. What Dany did was absolutely in character for her. She has been ruthless about death since the beginning. People give her passes for her cold ruthless streak because in the past her victims had committed heinous crimes. But she was drenched in blood long before the genocide of kings landing.
  10. fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.......dge. Going to be an interesting last episode. no way Jon/Aegon can allow daeny to live. She will kill her Hand and soon after Sansa and Jon does that mean she will kill her not half brother?
  11. Commander in orange is a megalomaniac. To assume he had no knowledge of something going on within his campaign is a bad default position to hold.
  12. Counter argument. Daeny would have as little visibility as the fleet
  13. Just like build the wall and lock her up. The tariffs are not done to help the American people. They are done to feed the ego of el orange and to give the chanting rally masses more fuel
  14. I thought thor was one of the stronger story lines and he was one of the 3 to square off with thanos to start the final battle
  15. Look he was an ok wrestler. But do we need to turn his name into a title?
  16. HAHAHA. wait are you trying to be serious? you got wet feet? do you see pyramids?
  17. I don't know about thought police, but I could use a thought cleanse. Cause my thoughts just got downright filthy
  18. One of grey worm/missandei will die One of jamie/brienne will die, if jamie lives Tyrion dies (one of them kills cersie) Gendry dead Sam lives Sansa lives Arya we think is killed, but reveals herself to kill someone important Jon dies, is resurrected by the red women Daeny is killed by a resurrected jon to complete lightbringer and defeat the night king
  19. Almost like someone has a martyr complex
  20. Could have sworn the non-targaryen riders are targaryens bastards
  21. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck. Clearly it is not a Republican because it has repeatedly used the Republican playbook for arguing talking points
  22. Well.... second best. But agree about it being great
  23. So we now live in a world that believes Comey had zero impact on the election with that announcement. Lol ok sure. I suppose the next step is to say that trump overcame the advantage the FBI gave the Clinton campaign by announcing the re-opening of the email investigation.
  24. Far as I know. Chris Evans has strongly indicated he is done. RDJ I think fulfills his contract with Endgame. Hemsworth as well, but he has talked about wanting Thor 4. Renner has not appeared in 6 movies yet so he likely has 2 more on contract. SJ noone seems to know if she has any movie left on contract, best i heard was she commented that her contract has evolved a bit the past few years.
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