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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. Just so this snowflake is clear on the situation. We are accepting as plausible that commander in orange fired an ambassador for not hanging up his picture over 2 years after his orange portrait was to go up? We think it is possible that he waited 28 months to pull the trigger on that insult?
  2. And yet they will get re-elected because they supported party over country.
  3. To stop the russian hackers supporting Hillary?
  4. So how is the new trump reality showing going? Betting it is a ratings darling.
  5. Sounds like US politics.
  6. Because in a dictatorship no one can have oversight on the dictator
  7. Good ole party before country politics shall win out the day.
  8. Government, travesty of a government, because you know the Senate will fail to remove.
  9. It was locker room talk...
  10. You probaly also hate puppies and boobies
  11. I would like to comment. The man treats the office like he is the head of the mafia, so it is unsurprising that he would attack a former soldier if said soldier would dare to question him
  12. The behavior of Republicans can be understood if you view them as cult members following a cult leader
  13. Coming from EU content super leia wasn't all that super. Cheesy sure, but not out of left field either
  14. Yes yes and the holocaust wasn't just the systematic slaughter of the jews. It was a calculated outburst to focus the news cycle talk about it instead of previous scandals. It is the SOP of his psychosis
  15. To be fair they have never had a clue of what to do with captain phasma. It is almost like the entire concept of the character was cool looking badass armor. Wait, it kinda was.
  16. I am one of the few star wars fans that I know that read/played most of the old EU stuff and loved TLJ. I still think most of the hate for the movie surrounds Luke's character. I honestly don't understand it either. In the EU Luke had many moments of failure. If you look at just the movies he absolutely should be a mess once he processes everything that happened in the original trilogy. He was manipulated from birth to be a weapon to kill the emperor and his father and let's not forget falling in love with his secret sister.
  17. I think the player has to agree to it.
  18. And still Republicans will not turn. Kinda seems like being a Republican politician is like being a cult member
  19. Seems like par for the course with the commander in orange regime
  20. What line? Was he the 4th forward?
  21. Any movie can be boring if you don't buy in. Granted it is not hard to get me to buy in on the flop.
  22. So I went and saw Joker. I am not sure how to describe it. It was a great movie, but I felt unclean having seen it. I think that is what they wanted so kudos I will say that just because it is from DC and features a comic book villain, it is not a comic book movie. Best I can come up with to describe the tone is it was like a good Stephen king movie
  23. Not sure if sir patrick has said it elsewhere, but during the q & a part of the panel someone asked about what the producers went thru to get him to say yes to playing Picard again (he was on record as saying he would not return to the role). Turns out just like the role of Charles Xavier he very kindly but firmly told them no thanks. A week or so later he had his agent contact the producers of the unnamed star trek project and asked for a 4 page outline for the show cause the ideas they pitched he liked. In typical trekkie fashion they sent over 35 pages
  24. I was going to stay for the castle rock panel at nycc. But I had another panel at the same time Also star trek Picard premiered trailer 2 at nycc and it looks good
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