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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. It is not distracting for you. For the average uninvolved american it is.
  2. Many of his outrageous boosts or comments seem to come on the heels of other news. Almost like he says something incendiary as a cover for other news and to direct the national headlines For example his comments and defending of the saudi prince over the assassination of a journalist came around the same time as stories of his daughter using private emails for govt work.
  3. An arguement can be made against the stupid claim
  4. wouldn't the one thing both groups have in common be the teacher? That seems to be a very likely way for both groups to get infected and spread the infection thru both groups homes
  5. In theory I think it would. But considering the amount of money pharmaceuticals puts into lobbying I have doubts on the effectiveness of any EO issued and that is without attaching my bias against our dear stable leader
  6. Agree with everything except the last. He is a patriot of the plutocracy of America. Problem is you think we live in the united states
  7. Strange? Troubling? Now? We have had 3 years of increasingly strange and troubling behavior out of the govt because of the unstable genius. Personally it all makes sense to me. A wanna be despot is escalating his behavior.
  8. the election of a cheeto in a wig was what tipped me off
  9. Got to keep that deep state from reporting pesky things like "facts"
  10. Nys schooling mid 90s. To say we allowed the culture to continue is a stretch. I would say some of the culture survived.
  11. When I was in school, the amount of education on native Americans was around 2 pages. World origin mythology, pilgrims, resettlement, reservations. The last 2 amounted to around a sentence or two each. Keep in mind it was a class that lasted 1 year and it was called US history! We didn't even learn about the whole Andrew Jackson thing from that class. It wasn't until senior year and a class that lasted one quarter called participation in government that we talked about that!
  12. sadly it is difficult to get groups to acknowledge racial issues when the entire culture was started with "this land is nice. MINE now. How about you go live in that swamp/desert!"
  13. I am pessimistic of human nature and I refuse to believe we are at the lowest point until I see proof otherwise
  14. And yet millions of Americans do. Amazing what popularizing a term like fake news and a political party being taken over by a cult leader can do to a national pysche
  15. Insomniac has announced the next spider-man game
  16. As if following orders made what they did acceptable
  17. If it is Right, it be right. If it is Left, it be political.
  18. word is all 57 members of the emergency response team have resigned from the team in protest for the 2 suspended.....
  19. Of course online the first comments I saw in response was "well what was the old guy thinking! Why is no one blaming the old man for putting himself in a dangerous situation?" The level of disconnect some are showing in support of dictator in orange and his pro-dominate movement is disturbing.
  20. Trump is exactly the person his critics have labeled him as the past few years
  21. It is ok, I am sure our stable genius will calm the masses down .
  22. I would love to take your comment at face value and simply say what does any of that have to do with my saying I don't think he colludes with Russia. But your snark and condescension is littered thru out so I think I will simply say may gnats eat at your genitals for 40 days and ignore you
  23. But trump is racist and unhinged. I would say he colludes with Russia, but no intelligent person would ever collude with him on something illegal because he will throw you under the bus instantly. However you can say he begged Russians for help
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