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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. If the candidate lies about everything, why would anyone connected to the campaign be any different?
  2. So you are arguing that the Republicans are in fear of or pro Muslim? Because it was the Republicans that pushed to open everything to quickly
  3. Much like the sports v politics, that will be difficult because he is literally using the powers of his office to help him in the election. The lines are so blurred they barely exist in current america
  4. here's hoping the world pulls a Han Solo and ignores the odds
  5. I understand that by the strict definition it is fearmongering. But that term has a negative connotation that I associate with using an outrageous claim to stoke the fear. It is one thing to tell people to fear a shark attack if you are in the ocean next to a whale carcass and a very different thing to do in Colorado. The behavior of the orange-man has made us redefine what is outrageous. Remember when you didn't fear a secret police rounding up protesters? Or when you didn't hear the leader of the USA say journalist should be shot as traitors?
  6. Sorry but I don't see "fight to preserve our democracy" as fearmongering. We have a president that constantly praises dictators and says and does things a dictator does. People need to get more outraged at the actions of the orange man
  7. What fear mongering has been coming from the main dnc?
  8. What if tiffany is the real mastermind behind everything and the commander in orange is just the puppet!
  9. somehow i think the good ole boys club of being an ex-president will keep him out of jail... even thou he absolutely should be made an example of for future presidents. i give it 50-50 odds that once he is out of office and the evidence starts to mount that whomever is the current president will throw out the I will pardon him no matter what line.
  10. In a good world the trump name and association would make one a pariah. But we don't live in a good world. However, I don't think you will see one of his kids run until he has lost influence and/or the right to hold office
  11. No way his personality will allow him to accept defeat (if he even loses the election). The only way he walks out of the white house of his own free will is if one of his advisers convinces him the only way to fight the results would be to run in 2024
  12. Can't wait for the anti vaxxer jackasses to come out of the woodwork over it
  13. Some still vote for trump for the lie that is the "good ole days". Some because admitting you made a mistake is not acceptable so they have to double down. Others just have no problem with a narcissistic, racist, sexist, petty, bully. I have an offer to the people in the first 2 groups. If they vote against trump and he loses (historical landslide lose) I will never again talk about his politics are thous that voted for him. I will simply refer to it as the nations 4 year acid trip
  14. I mean that can't count! That's like using Hitler in an arguement
  15. does anyone know anyone that defends the draft lottery?
  16. I agree that we have a great logo. I may be biased but it is a top 5 all-time. When i see the new jersey all i am seeing is the logo. I hated the goathead when it first came out, I came to like it after a bit of time. But one of my complaints was that the logo was to big. It is a minor complaint and I am sure I will be able to look past it.
  17. My only complaint is the Crest is to big
  18. Edmonton. Perhaps they will do away with the stupidity of a draft lottery after
  19. 3 on 3 hockey > 5 on 5 hockey. I would love to see what a whole game of 3v3 would look like in the nhl
  20. John mulaney is one of the best currently working and every special he does raises him on the all time list. Bob Rubin is an interesting one. I had never heard of him until the new Patton Oswald special on netflix. Patton convinced them to include a small set from Bob Rubin as a 2nd episode
  21. He is pretty good. I must have heard him call a bunch of games based on his wikipedia. Just never heard his name
  22. Anyone watching the hawks v Oilers game with the SN feed? Curious who the play by play guy is. The voice is familiar but I can't think of who it is
  23. might as well post it in the politics thread because we all know it would be moved to here anyhow.
  24. As someone that dislikes him and has not nor will ever vote for him. I can answer the question. It is simple really fake news, mainstream media lies, deep state actors
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