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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. Sure. But what I am seeing from the players is a team that has a reasonable chance to beat anyone. Without Dahlin and 2 other starting D they still drove play and created offense for extended periods of time. A bit more puck luck in Carolina and eliminating some errors in the defensive zone in tampa easily could be 3-0 on the road trip
  2. Disagree
  3. Wu-tang ain't nothing to ***** with!
  4. To expand, it is used in clicker training. It starts with associating the click with getting a small treat. Once the dog understands that, it is used to mark wanted behavior. Coax the dog into a sitting position with a hand signal, once they sit you click to mark the behavior and reward with a treat.
  5. I have played STO for a long time and considering the "discussions" that happen in chat channels in that game I would not use that as confirmation of something being bad. You have made clear that your concern is the "woke" culture. I have nothing further to say to you on the subject of star trek.
  6. Forget everything I said. Just give up on star trek
  7. Strange new worlds is imho the best star trek since TNG. Also lower decks is an unabashed love letter to TNG. Also it is great. I get the Criticism of discovery and Picard. Personally I enjoyed both. Discovery got much better once it wasn't beholden to all the lore that was to come in the timeline. However Anson Mount was great in season 2. I equate a bunch of the hate for picard to being on the same level as the last jedi hate concerning the portrayal of Skywalker. I personally have no problem with how time has treated Jean luc. I find it pretty logical that Picard would be the way he was after experiencing all we have seen him go thru Also strange new worlds is more a prequel to the original series. I think of it as more the original series remake with modern TV tech and a modern TV budget.
  8. Another amazing episode of Andor. If you lost touch with star wars or got tired of disney star wars or the prequel era or hell just like sci-fi I urge you to check it out.
  9. Has anyone broken a puck off of a shot before? I don't recall it happening in the nhl before, but I could see Tage doing it. The sound on his one timer hitting the post is scary
  10. What strain we be smokin on?
  11. Depending how they wrap up the season and the second season (series finale) it has a very good chance of being at the top of my list for star wars media. It is also wonderfully cast and acted. Despite the hate scifi gets come awards season, Andor should win in multiple categories.
  12. The fact that people seem to be ignoring Andor on disney+ is outrageous. It is a great show and easily a top 3 in star wars media. Yet I see very little discussion about it outside nerdy/star wars sites. Also anyone that followed The Clone Wars series should check out Tales of the Jedi on Disney+. Dave filoni is a savant when it comes to making star wars media
  13. Remember if your erection lasts over 4 hours after watching marty to see a doctor
  14. First must out score game of the year on the way to the cup
  15. Think I am joined up again. Shows my team in the league with an empty roster
  16. Sounds like Jamison crowder is going on IR
  17. So maybe we get some CB help Monday. Marcus Peters had a slight disagreement with his coach about that end zone int
  18. One of the worse officiated bills games in some time. Missed calls all around
  19. I said nothing about them being right. Mistake to me implies accident. If all three parties agreed to it that is not a mistake that is intentional.
  20. Is it a mistake if all parties agreed to it?
  21. well they just reported he is being discharged and flying home with the team tonight. Sounds like they are saying no concussion without saying no concussion.
  22. Sure he would have been impaired when taking the test. Doesn't change the fact that a qb that a team has repeatedly tried to replace with someone else "passed" a concussion test. You can argue it was in Tuas best interest to pass that test. Not super familiar with nfl protocol. Are the tests administered by independent medical personnel?
  23. I am sure the situation has enough blame to spread around to a bunch of people. However I am not sure Tua is without blame as well. I would bet that at least some players have been coached how to pass some concussion testing. So that would let the teams give the ole yep he passed he good testing
  24. just give them tickets to martha's vineyard. problem solved.
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