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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. I am going to vote that ballot so hard that I will need to ask for a safe word beforehand...
  2. nobody is as bad as fox news. Fox news deals in making right wing extremism main stream. they turn the volume to 11, everyone else has amps that only go to 10. Or perhaps it is more fair to say that the Right is better at uniting behind a single brand or sound bite when compared to the coalition that is the Left
  3. 7 more days until early voting starts in new york
  4. i think he rolls a d12 to determine his pro/anti-random stance on a topic
  5. will confirm the s-video was a pos. plus during that time the market had like 300 different audio/video options so the back of a tv was a nightmare of options
  6. The game has no room for one dimensional defense first defensemen anymore. gone are the days of a jeff beukeboom or ken daneyko.
  7. I admire the optimism to think that we are reaching the end of this blight on american history. However I feel like we are only coming to the close of the first act of our tragedy
  8. Scientific America only went 175 years before endorsing someone for president
  9. Wait!!! Are you telling me Jimmy paige is re-releasing the zeppelin discography yet again?! That *****!!
  10. Sooo, how do you spin locking people in a SUV with an infectious individual so that said individual can do a stupid drive by waving? How do you spin that as a positive?
  11. the initial timeline reported by 2 doctors. of course both had to issue statements correcting themselves and putting things in line with the white houses reported timeline correction. same doctor 2 different statements that he corrected to be in line with the WH timeline
  12. So I have seen talk that trump tested positive the day after the debate. They told nobody and for the next day and a half he attended a rally, a private donor event, and multiple meetings. In typical fashion of his administration it seems that they tried to cover it all up but because of his reckless incompetence it spread so far and so fast it became impossible
  13. Sorry to say but it is gone. Even if he isn't re-elected, even if he and others are held responsible for the abuses they did. The america that we grew up in is gone. We will be living with the repercussions of his administration for a generation
  14. Like a week after I believe. Which could be about the time we know who won. We have at minimum 4 more months of the ever increasing game of fascist chicken
  15. You really think it will stop getting ugly after the election? We either have 4 more years of it getting worse or until sometime in January when Biden and the new senate is sworn in
  16. The Pat's also had a tackle in the end zone on that TD pass to the fullback. He whiffed on the run block and fell into the end zone.
  17. I really do understand that. I find it easier to read quotes and transcripts of what he says easier to tolerate. Either the man is so stupid that he does not realize how fascist the 1776 commission sounds. Or he knows and doesn't see the problem with how fascist it sounds.
  18. I could. He made the announcement himself. It is his answer to the 1619 project that he has used to inflame his base. I believe he called it the 1776 commission. He either is going to or already has signed the EO to start the program to teach our youth to "love america with all their souls". Easier to do a google and/or social media search for "the 1776 commission"
  19. On to the hypocrisy and the shitstorm that follows in the wake
  20. Sounds like trump is starting his own hitler youths program.
  21. True, I guess we will find out a month after the election
  22. I read somewhere that a fair number of Republicans that say they aren't voting for him end up voting for him in the privacy of the voting booth
  23. not a vet but i bet i know the answer. the breaking point is right down the party line
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