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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. hey remember when we put lead in gas? Remember how lead companies "donated" to science research and politicians to make it seem like science was on the side of dispersing lead into the air being fine? Funny how in our new modern digital age we have moved on to vaccines are bad for you and that big tech is injecting us with trackers with them...
  2. It is 2021. The answer is siri is in control
  3. I miss forum signatures
  4. as a mod you should do better also.
  5. so you need a cable subscription to watch the tnt/tbs games it sounds like
  6. so my question is what is the streaming service for tnt/tbs games? hbo max?
  7. ok, still don't think he won that fight
  8. sure...... he ended up with a bloody lip or bleeding from somewhere in the mouth
  9. wait.... they make hockey bags with wheels on them now?!
  10. Cozens lose another fight?
  11. Thank you for admitting that you are not human. Very brave of you.
  12. Nobody would say that. Tacos are the greatest food and everyone knows that
  13. that should have been a penalty on Caggulia
  14. what kinda leader gives his teammates fistbumps after he scores a goal?! what a monster.....
  15. got my 2nd pfizer shot on Friday. Friday night the arm that got the shot in was sore to the point of painful to touch and I started to get that "I am getting sick" body ache. By the time I got up on Saturday my arm felt fine, but I still had the body ache and felt like I had a slight fever (no raised temp thou). Sunday I felt fine. Also Friday night and all day Saturday I had a strong seasonal allergy response (watery/itching eyes). I don't think it was related to the vaccine as it is allergy season and everyone is cutting lawns and such. Also if anyone is looking for it, OfficeMax/OfficeDepot is offering to copy/shrink (down to credit card size) and laminate the copy of the vaccine card for free. the offer runs thru sometime in July
  16. Reminds me of a less hittee mckee
  17. Pfizer? I only had a sore arm for a few days, but I never got covid (unless the flu I had last January was it). Getting my 2nd shot today. From what I hear you get a stronger reaction from it.
  18. See: outdated reference
  19. puck pursuit by itself does not equal playing tough
  20. but how many times did he think about disrespecting a reporter?
  21. so playing tough means winning a fight with the other team? Kinda sounds like the narrative that I said. Anyone can throw a body check, anyone can play the body. That is what playing tough should mean. You do not have to fight someone to play tough.
  22. I'm sorry but what did you mean by "anyone on the Bruins except Hall will drop the gloves"? Certainly sounds like the Bruins will do what they want because they will beat us up.
  23. does winning count as an attribute?
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