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Everything posted by drnkirishone

  1. I appreciate the run-down on how it works. Still seems like a system ripe for abuse
  2. I honestly don't understand Canadian elections and the whole dissolving of government. I think it is based on what the British do and I have never understood that either. Seems like a device ripe for abuse by the powerful and influential
  3. Well my take.... a certain administration had to invade Afghanistan before they could invade what they wanted... Iraq
  4. I find when someone shows a statement and follows it up with a dramatic "wrong" they are themselves generally mistaken with what they are saying.
  5. I had a 86 Oldsmobile cutlass supreme with t-tops. Good Ole GM in the 80s.... mostly the same car, just different badges and slightly different small block v8s
  6. here is a crazy idea. Lets reward people that get the vaccine. Federal and state tax credits seem like a good place to start. Health insurance companies could provide discounts on plans with proof of vaccination.
  7. Wait... are you confirming lgr4gm is the almighty?
  8. A double standard? Here? Well I never......
  9. Seems proof of Frump pressuring the DOJ to help with his coup is coming out 7 months later. Notes from a call with the DOJ in December. DoJ told Frump we can't and won't change the outcome of an election. Frump responded that he didn't expect them to change it, just say it is corrupt and leave the rest to him and his Republican congressmen
  10. You realize you are in a toxic relationship with the sabres right?
  11. I am at the point that if you are going to be anti-vax about covid I don't have to feel bad if you get sick and die. your anti-vax ***** is screwing everyone else over. Yes I am including the people that can't get the vaccine for a legitimate reason in the group being screwed over. If you are anti-vax you are contributing to killing the percentage of the population that is most at risk of covid. Congratz you have failed at living in society .
  12. I think it is much easier to figure out. Certain "groups" are using the anti-vac crowd and disinformation to rally and keep support. When someone's trusted source for information plays recklessly loose with the "facts" and "information" you get an uninformed public that believes lies.
  13. hey! Wait! I got a new complaint
  14. I can't select the right answer as it was not a option. A carton of cigarettes for Christmas, that's right it has been a banner year with the ole Sabres fandom
  15. All threads are
  16. what are we counting as the end? before the credits roll? mid credit scenes? end credit scenes?
  17. One could argue that the 600,000 are not changing a stance on something but simply following the advise of someone they already agree with on other things. But you are correct we have lost our critical thinking. I blame schools teaching uniformity and driving education to simply be about passing a standardized test
  18. probably safer to drive a bugatti at 273mph
  19. I don't understand why fireworks aren't treated like driving. If you drive drunk and get caught you are in for a world of financial trouble and that is without someone getting hurt.
  20. Unless the NHL allows further salary cap fixing like Tampa pulled last off-season no way the team stays together. Tampa winning a cup after what they pulled is going to start a chain reaction of cap circumvention attempts by teams and the NHL will have to step in and shut it down.
  21. To little to late. it is here to stay
  22. For instance telling the Sabres Connolly had to play in the regular season to be eligible for the playoffs?
  23. So glad I am part of the last generation that didn't grow up with social media and smartphones to document and chronicle our youthful stupidity so that it lives forever.
  24. as a note it was years ago that he seemingly made the "gay" tweets. Holding people to 2021 standards for something over 10 years old is also not a great look imho. Also I don't have the greatest of memory but I don't recall Hoss making "gay" jokes. Heck as I recall he has been against them and the use of a certain "mental ignition timing" word.
  25. Maybe it is nostalgia or rose tinted glasses when it comes to Peca, but I don't recall cheapshots. He certainly rode the line on hits, but I don't remember his hits being much different compared to ones that Scott Stevens did. It was a different era for what was an acceptable check and I think his game would of been developed different if he was going by todays rules. But maybe time has made me forget his dirty play.
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