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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Went w/ the blue Jeanneret.
  2. Gaslighting? Seriously? Where's the SMH emoji when you need it. 😒
  3. Gee, what a shocker. You misunderstanding &/or misrepresenting something.
  4. IMHO the biggest question about Levi will be how well will he stand up to being run by NHLers. If he can keep from breaking when getting run over by a true NHL-sized man going at full speed, he'll end up being a steal. He seems to have the reflexes and the mental acuity to make it. Can he be durable at the smaller stature is the big Q. (Fortunately for him, goalies don't get run as often as they did. But they still get run and playing on a team that is considered (rightly or wrongly) to not be particularly tough will not help cut down on that further.)
  5. He's played extremely well in 3 of those and very well in one of his last games too. But he's had at least 2 stinkers in those other 4. Really hope he's turning a corner, but he needs to play well in far more than 4 games to get people believe he actually has turned that corner. When he's off his game, he plays like a very small man with a lot of room open over his shoulders as he gets too low, but yet also has the slowish reactions typical of one his size. It's been a bad combination. He hasn't gotten as small in those 3 really solid games, so there's hope. But the sample size needs to get bigger to actually believe.
  6. He's been an Amerk all season & playing well on an AHL deal.
  7. IMHO it was better than 50/50 to go the Sabres way. And giving up a PP to a team that can't work one is quite similar in terms of creating issues for your team as a lost TO. Low risk, high reward. Will agree to disagree.
  8. That was the 2nd time they scored w/ a skater in the crease in 1-1/2 minutes. The 2nd one absolutely caused Tokarski's left leg to move & opened up the 5 hole. Detroit nearly did it again a minute later. Had Granato challenged that 2nd one, maybe they stop seeing just how much they can get away with. And again, Detroit's PP is really bad right now. Low risk, high reward.
  9. So, Hayden to the press box or Murray to the press box. Guessing it's Hayden coming out of the lineup. Does this move Girgensons back to W as well?
  10. Ab-so-#######-lute-ly. Detroit now has 1 PP goal in their last 9 games (if Rayzor had his facts correct). Take a chance & trust your guys to get it done if the refs screw the pooch on the replay.
  11. Ownership in Moe-ray-all couldn't possibly have thought that team wouldn't be a train wreck when they let Dandenault & Kokateniemi walk & had Price & Weber lined up for BF-LTIR. Not saying they shouldn't make changes, but they should've been made when it was obvious what was about to happen. Lucking into the Loafs in the 1st round & then continuing on that momentum 2 more rounds shouldn't have colored the judgment. That was not a legit SC Finalist.
  12. Disappointing how they didn't take the 2nd point, but overall a reasonable effort. 2 goals won't get it done most nights, but most nights they still won't face the other team's #1. (And Nedeljovic particularly sticks in the craw because he was available essentially for free last year & Adams didn't take a flier on him.) Though that last goal was bad, was more disappointed that Granato didn't challenge the 2nd goal. Detroit's PP is about as cold as one can get right now, it was worth the risk that they'd say the Wing was pushed into Tokarski as his leg was definitely moved by the contact & that opened his 5 hole. Don't know how that would've effected the ebb & flow, but at some point he has to stop being afraid of the other team's PP & challenge when there's a 50/50+ shot of it panning out.
  13. Interesting that Johnson is still rated higher than Samuelsson.
  14. You do have the best ballets.
  15. And adding the wrister to his repertoire was a very good development. With his length he doesn't need to wind up to generate torque. He very well could keep up the goal scoring pace unless D start essentially doubling him up which would create space for Olofsson. Let them pick their poison- darned if you do, darned if you don't.
  16. Yep. He's always had that in tight stickhanding when absolutely nothing was on the line. He was doing that in his1st Sabres training camp. He'd almost never done it in games & it is awesome to see him do that now when it does matter. But the Briere development comparable isn't really apt IMHO. Briere was excellent on the PP from day 1 for the Desert Dogs. But in the clutch & grab era, he couldn't create enough space to score much 5v5 and due to his small stature the Yotes coaches never forgave his defensive shortcomings and he bounced up & down. He was good in Buffalo but didn't explode on the scene until the rules changes that came with the end of the lockout allowed him to use his speed 5v5. There is a similarity in that his game has been completely different since getting moved to C & maybe he could've been this guy the whole time but his actual play & not just the results has been night & day. Briere was the same guy the whole time, just once he couldn't legally get tackled what he could do became blatantly noticable.
  17. That 8,000 or so is paid tix. My estimates have been of actual in seat attendance. There were about 6,500 ST's sold. So, there have been about 500-1,500 single ticket sales each game. Which is where the 7-8,000-ish attendance #'s come from. Pretty sure actual attendance hasn't topped 5,000 this year. (Would put (a very small amount of) money on them not having exceeded 6,000 to date (w/ the possible exception of TO that I didn't go to).
  18. Would say probably ~4,500. Second most of the ones yours truly was at. Except for some of the 200's everything seemed nearly 1/4 full.
  19. If you buy a 5 pack between now and Monday they won't charge the "convenience" fees. So, it'll be something like a 5-10% discount.
  20. That would be Boychuk.
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