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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Interesting on both of these tweets. Would've expected Mahomes was in these clubs as well. Pretty cool that Allen is & Pat isn't.
  2. Ours was ECA. Far & away the sweetest dog we've ever had. He was rescued from an Alabama pound a year ago August. Other than the parasites he brought up w/ him, the "adoption" was flawless. Hope yours works out as well. Glad it's off to a good start.
  3. Sweet. Can go w/ my kid to that 1 if it actually gets played. Merry Christmas to me.
  4. East Coast Adoptions?
  5. Is that the precursor to canceling 12/29 as well?
  6. So, what'd ya get that really stands out? Wifey got me the Blu-ray/CD of the Rush R40 Live from a few years back. Just about through the 1st set & that was an awesome concert. Alex & Neil are/were such absolute masters of their craft & Geddy Lee fit them so well. Sucks that the Professor is gone. Hope all are having an excellent Christmas & that those that don't celebrate that holiday have a wonderful Holiday themselves.
  7. They met the next year, too. Sabres swept that one. Thus why 7 was the quantity chosen. 😉
  8. Yippie Ki Yay, mother #######!
  9. You sure about that? (Pretty sure they played 7 meaningful games 4 decades ago.)
  10. Don't know about that necessarily. It took 2 cracks at it for them to get a competent management team for the Bills, but they did in fact find competent management there. The Bandits are one of the best franchises in indoor lax. And pretty sure they've actually been better under the Pegulas than under Golisano. And neither have lived up to the heyday when all the teams were under a single ownership group w/ local management running the day to day items. Would really love to hear what the conversation between ownership & Regier that set the course to "suffering" really was like & who else was involved in that decision. That threw the team into a tailspin it's still to this day not recovered from. Would also be interesting, though there's no way to ever get a do-over, to see how either never bringing in Murray or at a minimum replacing him w/ another proponent of "west coast hockey" would've worked out. Botterill's vision was a polar opposite to that of Murray and his decision to stop focusing on big guys that had skill also slowed the emergence from the tank. Adams seemingly having the same preferred player type as JBotts as evidenced by keeping the younger guys brought in by JBotts at least only set his version of the rebuild back 1-2 years in all likelihood relative to the 3-4+ set in motion by the previous 3 GMs. Unfortunately, the team WE care the most about is the one that ownership has suffered through the worst growing pains. Yes, their changing directions so often when having stayed the original course but with much better scouting & the opportunity presented by being able to be 1 of the 1st teams on the analytics front rather than a late rider of the bandwagon put this franchise in a terrible predicament. But their getting really bad advice from the league, Brandon, & others was as big, if not a bigger impediment to their success than their being neophytes was. MHO. Ymmv.
  11. Adams already seems to be in the John Davidson role as far as responsibilities go, so really don't see the point of bringing in a Hockey VP &/ or Team President. Don't see a point to bringing in a minority owner either unless it is to liquidate a portion of the team's on-paper appreciation. If they did want to just concentrate on the Bills & their non-sports holdings, wouldn't it make sense that they'd be divesting from the Bandits &/or Amerks rather than restoring box lacrosse in Ra-cha-cha &/or possibly dumping the Sabres?
  12. When it happens every 2-3 years, almost like clockwork, it reflects on the one doing the hiring (& firing). Personally, don't see the need for the public mea culpa & absolutely won't expect it.
  13. Appreciate that Appert is standing up for his player, but really not sure how COVID recuperation caused him to leave 4" above his shoulders when squaring up for shots for months on end, some of which were prior to COVID being identified. He's stopped doing that (oddly enough right after Dell got called up) and has looked like he might be a goalie after all since then. His movement in the crease has also improved since the Dell call up. Still believe it was a mental block that affected his play after the hip surgeries and am very pleased for him & us that he seems past it.
  14. Why couldn't we have heard this rumor before Ullmark was lowballed? The weird apple pie thing alone won't be enough. But if the master of the phat panny were still here, ... We're talking gold, Jerry, GOLD!
  15. Has it been reported whether Beasley's exhibiting symptoms or not? If he is exhibiting symptoms, then he is mistaken & it is in fact COVID that is keeping him out of Sunday's game. If he is asymptomatic, then he may have a technical point that it is indeed the NFL that is keeping him out of that game. But, those were the rules in place when he joined the team this summer while having not been vaccinated & he knew what those rules were & are.
  16. And in Turin Italia. And in ...
  17. Or those that had concerns about the vaccines creating other health issues or had other concerns about getting vaccinated realized what a nightmare it would be to try to be going across an international border regularly while unvaccinated and didn't want to deal with the peer pressure that would come from being unvaccinated and decided that their own personal utility was maximized by getting vaccinated. Certainly many did it for altruistic reasons & many did it because they believe overall their health will be better having been vaccinated. But overall wouldn't read more into it than nearly every player decided that he personally would be better off, all things considered, by being vaccinated rather than by not getting vaccinated.
  18. A lot of the European teams end up letting athletes of their heritage play for them in sports they'd otherwise be completely clueless in.
  19. Well, just because they failed to become the DeBeers of RHD under Botterill doesn't mean controlling the entire supply of puck moving LHD isn't possible. It merely means the exercise hasn't yet been tried. Didn't you know Adams' mother's maiden name was Hunt? 😉
  20. In theory, correct. But as the host country they can put an athlete/ team in every event. And they will.
  21. Not sure whether the testing requirements were relaxed in November, the league was going to review them at that time to determine if adjustments to the testing were warranted, but per the league's protocols formulated before the season, ALL players were being tested at least every 3 days regardless of vaccination status. And supposedly only Tyler Bertuzzi is unvaccinated. Truly doubt many businesses &/or individuals that have 100% vaccination rates are testing at that frequency as a general rule. Doubt many at lower levels of blanket vacinnations are testing that frequently either, though readily admit that belief may be misheld. And, presently, the league has upped that to daily testing. Just curious, how often are asymptomatic people that aren't by choice now living a hermit's lifestyle in general testing? And by that, don't mean self assessing & checking their temperatures, but actually getting the swab up the old cranial cavity to verify they're COVID free, at least at the time the test was performed?
  22. Good chance he wasn't going anyhow. This actually works in his favor as he doesn't have reason to rush his recovery.
  23. Hope they do. Would serve 'em right.
  24. What's the record for most golds & most total medals at a single Winter Olympics? Those records might be in jeopardy.
  25. It also gives the players that may now be having 2nd thoughts about participating in the Olympics a way to avoid playing in them without admitting they don't want to play given the severity of the consequences of a positive test. So, in a roundabout way, it may be meaningful. Interestingly, though the Olympics is in question, things are still proceeding towards the All Star Game & its associated festivities proceeding as planned.
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