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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Expecting he'll continue rolling 4 lines more or less. (Thompson line might steal an extra shift here or there.) All 4 lines have played pretty well overall. D have been pretty solid too. But would more expect the, going to 4 D sooner than 3 lines.
  2. Nope. Murican. So he says "hell no, #### you, ####head." 😉
  3. The best defense is a strong offense. Keep attacking boys.
  4. Hadn't quite gotten there, but yes. Am pretty much caught up now.
  5. Against the best shooter of the past 15 years. EVERYBODY's glove side is questionable against him. (Also, that well challenged chance in the 1st was also gloveside.) UPL will be fine.
  6. He's that rare player that can play on a top line & produce w/out dragging it down but is pretty much useless on any other line. He was brought in to be Eichel's winger but then Skinner became available and he got bumped to Mittelstadt's & then Rodriques' winger. He can't drive play, so he was doomed.
  7. FTFY. 😉 (Realize Comrie struggled before getting hurt, but the whole team was struggling. Really expect he'll play well when brought back up.)
  8. A few minutes behind everyone, but just can't see a way UPL goes back to Ra-cha-cha the way he's playing. They could easily have given up 2 goals (not counting the 1 he forced the shooter to go wide) to be down 3-2.
  9. 635-1 has the game on, but happen to be in the Sabres market, so it's always there for us.
  10. Every NFL team, the NFL itself, & at least the Bisons (probably the Sabres & Bandits too) have made their Twitter avatar a blue background with the words "Pray for Damar 3" across it. Very nice gesture. Saw a tweet that the hospital won't have any updates today. Hoping no news is good news.
  11. OK, if somebody you are friends with outside of work has a bad accident, are you taking the next day off?
  12. Did you go to work today? If you did, then why shouldn't the Sabres be expected to not do so? If you didn't, well that's noble in a way, but doubt many others can say likewise.
  13. The reffing in the early Saturday game & the Bills & Bengals games will be very interesting. Not saying they rig games, but there often is one team or the other that seem to gain an abundance of favorable calls at critical points. Losing the money from a single regular season game that had a majority of the paid for commercials air would seem to be cheaper & less disruptive than trying to squeeze in a game before the WC weekend or pushing the entire playoffs back a week. They could keep the SB when it was scheduled by bouncing the Flag Football Game festivities back 2 weeks. But that's an awful lot of moving parts to accommodate should the Bills win & the Chiefs lose w/ the Bengals tying. (OTTOMH, that's the only way the Bills Bengals game is completely immaterial as that would keep all 3 at the top of there divisions w/ no chance to leap frog each other.)
  14. Expect Granato to keep the same starting lines/pairs as he's run with the past few games. If things aren't working, he'll make adjustments in the 3rd. Fully expect the Caps will be fine with having Ovechkin's line out against any of the Sabres lines. You're probably right that Cozens line will get the brunt of it. Will be a very stiff test for the kids. Looking forward to it in any case. As Badger Bob used to say "it's a great day for hockey."
  15. @Wyldnwoody44 @Brawndo @North Buffalo Danke for all the info on this in layman's terms & without random speculation. (That last part doesn't read as it should, it really is meant as a comliment on all your professionalism, but words still aren't quite coming out right. Apologies for that.) Your insights have been helpful in this very upsetting time.
  16. Take it for whatever it's worth, but the NFL is denying the "5 minute warmup delay" coming from them.
  17. Could see it being true but not as horrible as it seems on 1st glance. (And it could be just as bad as it's being made out to be if it is true.) There have been several instances through the years of guys being paralyzed coming off the field with the games completing. Can't recall any not being completed. Making a decision from 800 miles away could see how Goodell & his staff didn't fully understand the emotion of the moment. Seeing the player hooked up to the AED is way more traumatic to the guys right there. He'll get roasted for it, but not positive it's justified. (Though it may very well be.)
  18. Likely one final FYI. (Am finally getting tired enough to think about heading to bed.)
  19. Another FYI. Take it for what it's worth. So amazing how well the Bengals responded to this. ,uch respect for them.
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