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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Those of you that are blacked out can be thankful of 1 thing. You aren't being subjected to the BJ's Pink Floydish phone on-hold music that they keep playing every time the BJ's radio broadcast goes to commercial &/or intermission. Couldn't take any more of that so switched to some Del Amitri instead.
  2. Dunne being a former BJ/Lake Monster must be pretty psyched about that goal. Been really impressed with Helenius so far today. He is driving play.
  3. James Van Riemsdyk. The saddest non-politically correct headline given out as a name ever.
  4. Not sure why they do the non-regional blackouts in the preseason. But pretty sure they did the same thing last season too. You'd expect that if anything they'd let everybody watch whatever they wanted to so they could drum up regular season subscriptions. They got the colors right at least. Can't really expect much more from interns.
  5. Nice rush by Helenius. Not sure who sent that pass up to him. The whole play was nice.
  6. It's up now. But it's currently in a splash screen from the BJ's. (Who's webcast the Sabres are simulcasting.)
  7. Anybody else not finding any links / articles on Sabres.com to watch tonight's game? (The broadcast of which is supposed to start in 7 minutes.)
  8. You might very well have been successful at that. 😉
  9. But the Events Crew needs to help too. There have been several (not hundreds, but several) times that the crowd would get a chant going, there'd be a whistle and either the organist would overwhelm the crowd or the speakers would start blaring something else. They need to be cognizant when the building is getting charged organically. (Realizing sometimes they're contractually required to run something (like the casino sponsored gambling segment); but that's not always the case.)
  10. No skin off this kid's arse.
  11. Umm, you realize this isn't the '21-'22 season where they had some games with only 4k or so in the building? The building is going to be 2/3's full on poor attendance nights and will have several SO's/close to SO's. (If your 1st sentence was misunderstood, apologies.) A few years back they looked into possibly reconfiguring the seating, particularly in the lower bowl, but they weren't really looking at SR sections. The radical idea they were considering was converting the lower bowl between the BLs into high end "seating" where there'd essentially be high tops (similar to the bar area in the 200's behind the Sabres net) with full service for people that bought those seats. Kind of a cross between the Panthers all inclusive packages between the blue lines in their lower bowl and that bar area. Would be a little surprised if they ever actually went that route as there would be a LOT of current STHers displaced from their current seats and however they decided to reallocate seats they'd wind up with a LOT of unhappy customers.
  12. And could see him grow into more of a leadership mindset as he matures as well.
  13. But the guy who looked great as FLA's backup the year before (Lyon) ended up in Detroit and had a rather up and down year IIRC. FLA may be wishing that Stolarz was back this year; but so might the Loafs be.
  14. It worked briefly with Hutton, until injuries doomed that attempt to find gold in a pyrite mine. So, naturally, they HAD to take another crack at it. Not that upset that they tried to find gold in the pyrite mine; more upset that when it obviously didn't happen they didn't move on from the pyrite they'd mined.
  15. Dude, no way your name would be Doohicksie; it'd be Hicks. (Maybe Hicker, but almost definitely Hicks.)
  16. Well, either that, or their faces will melt off. Really, could go either way.
  17. Don't know if there's an electronic copy of it and certainly don't have time to look for one. But it was in an old THN YiR issue (probably '90). He and some stripper w/ a name like Busty Lamour (Chesty Lamour?) dancing in the reds behind the visitor's goal line.
  18. Will give you the rappeling. But, dancing with non-particularly well endowed cheerleaders is NOT the same (technically) as dancing with a VERY well endowed stripper.
  19. Technically, Pominville.
  20. Actually, Granato said it several times that Mittelstadt was a leader, especially for the young guys. Pretty sure there were a few lockerroom interviews that players themselves mentioned that too.
  21. How can he be the "ultimate" when he was never in THN's Year in Review dancing w/ a well endowed stripper in his team's home barn? How can he be the "ultimate" when he's never rappeled from the rafters to the ice? Sabretooth is THE ultimate.
  22. Very nice effort from the kids tonight. Seemed they ran out of a little bit of gas late in the 2nd period and through the 3rd, but they still had enough to overcome the rough penalty call against Helenius that lead to the Otters 2nd goal and pull it out in OT. If they can get a split in their final 2 NHL preseason games, or dare we say a full sweep of all 4 games, and they'll be rockin' friggin' brass bowling balls heading into the AHL season.
  23. Tuch wearing a letter at home at a minimum is a no-brainer. Expected that when was expecting co-captains.
  24. So THAT's where the Toker ended up.
  25. Maybe your wife could give her some smokeless like Skoal or Copenhagen for her next B-day? Give the lungs a break while still getting her sweet nicotine rush. 😉
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