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Everything posted by bcsaberks

  1. Yes! The passion. "you know me I can't really enjoy things, I try to...". The fact that he's been on the road, still scouting. Mad scientist like. Obsessed. Love it. Though Black on WGR said he needs to spend time with TN now (this week). Sounds like that will be his biggest challenge, the other responsibilities of the job (relationship with coach, etc). If he and TN build trust I'm very bullish on the future.
  2. Murray "I want competition. I want one of our draft picks to be pissed off we got CC". :thumbsup:
  3. Sorry, foggy memory, nothing about a contract! http://cityliving.whec.com/news/news/58666-amerks-center-making-impression “The one name is Parker. He was invited and now I see he has the first line tonight, he certainly rose up the chart.” Sabres Owner Terry Pegula singled out Amerk center Jonathan Parker first thing at the home opener. Parker said, “I didn't hear about it until the next day but when ever a guy like that mentions you, it feels special.”
  4. Right after Pegula purchased the Amerks Parker was in on training camp try-out I think and lit it up. Pegula spoke to local media "this is cool, this kid is here on tryout and looks great and we signed him". He was on fire for the first couple of months in ROC, then flamed out and has bounced between Gwinnett and Roc since. LA native I think.
  5. Wheres' Battista? Cool Jeremy White is there too, nice job Ted Black. :bag:
  6. Captains!
  7. Mouse potatoes gonna mouse.
  8. Excellent, thank you. Also excellent. I find myself trusting TB thus far in his tenure. Again he's a salesman, but seems fairly honest about it. I agree that adding more depth to the responses would have been appreciated. Be professional, it's a personnel matter after all, but continue to build on the trust you have with your customers. He took the safer route and said nothing.
  9. Because 4 months ago he didn't have a job. (no disrespect meant to Latvians). And the Sabres job will probably pay him enough money in 3 years to live very comfortably for the rest of his life. I suppose you could argue after the Olympics he could get interest elsewhere in the league, but on the other hand this PLF mess has likely neutralized that some too.
  10. Enroth :worthy: Green jerseys :beer: Broadcast crew :thumbsup:
  11. Not the first time Milbury has blasted him, should have seen it coming. Former Islanders general manager Mike Milbury, who was a member of the team's board of governors when LaFontaine resigned, said he would understand if Wang still held a grudge against LaFontaine. "Pat ran for the hills. Pat ran for cover," said Milbury, now an NHL analyst for NBC. "It was cowardly, and it was terrible. And if Charles was [ticked], I wouldn't blame him in the least." LaFontaine declined to respond to Milbury's comments. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304023504577319912036433148
  12. That impressed me as well, going after PLF so strongly. Not the easy path to take and unsure if NHL studios are in Manhattan, if PLF actually reports to the old/new job, their paths will likely cross soon.
  13. 2 years (15-16) until playoffs 3 - 4 years until reasonable chance at cup (top 5 in league) What's the Rangers plan? They might miss the playoffs this year with Lundqvist, Richards and Nash in their prime. Just saying, I don't think it's that black & white once you rule out this year's obvious contenders (pens, bruins, hawks, ducks and blues).
  14. Rebuild is >7 years? Kane and Crosby were like 3 years in I think. That's what we signed up for! And the Rangers are no perennial favorite. Bubble playoff team now with Lunqvist at his peak.
  15. Dang he seems pretty rattled. "Talked 1 or 2 days ago...about other stuff" mmmhhhemmm. Why? Yeah his job is to sell fluff, but I think he does a pretty honest job of it.
  16. I like this line of thinking. Preferably TP would have done his homework / interviewed well and not hired in the first place, but here we are.
  17. My bad! Bulldog says his trusted sources say PLF is in fact an ego problem. Why is Bettman letting him return? Mafia.
  18. I've seen plenty a young talent move up the latter quickly. Usually not this quickly, and moving directly around their hiring manager is ballsy. If TP facilitated it that's some BS and PLF has good reason to be pissed, but you don't just bail out like a bitch. Maybe its about Ott not Miller. Miller was definitely a goner, seemed Ott was projecting publicly to stay, Nolan and Ott seemed to be bonding. So Nolan/PLF wanted Ott to stay? Nolan sounded very sad in his presser after the game Friday "man of character" "first guy I talked to". Is TN cut out for this side of the business?
  19. Excellent questions. Terrible timing too. Murray and team need to be clear headed in the coming days. Instead this sideshow.
  20. Probably right. "let's review it." Toronto "it's Chara, it's a goal".
  21. How is Chara's goal not goalie interference? He clearly pushed Enroth with his stick. The play by play guy highlighted it. WTF. "Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgment of the Referee(s), and not by means of video replay or review. For purposes of this rule, “contact,” whether incidental or otherwise, shall mean any contact that is made between or among a goalkeeper and attacking player(s), whether by means of a stick or any part of the body." And yes Chara has the strength to move little Jonas.
  22. Even route 90! Ha.
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