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Everything posted by bcsaberks

  1. Not on TWC Rochester either. The guide has it listed too. Showing Bruins v Flyers winter classic. TWC sucks - moved 2 good channels to paid tier sport package this week too (universal and espnc)
  2. Accord w/ V6 vs 528i. ;)
  3. That's how I see it too. Love his breakout passes. Maybe since goals are so often grind-it-out vs run-n-gun his assist #s won't be that good, but here's hoping. Good call on speed disparity Freeman. I was thinking more passing, not physical, solid all-around, smart.
  4. James Patrick. I'm bullish on him too.
  5. It's Friday! Chiarelli also told reporters that veteran winger Ville Leino has been invited to training camp — which begins Sept. 18. — on a tryout basis. Read more at: http://nesn.com/2014/09/bruins-sign-matt-fraser-to-one-year-contract-ville-leino-invited-to-training-camp/
  6. I went with Ennis for #1. I liked his play 2nd half of last year, he's skilled, he's fast, he plays with moxy. With the old core completely gone now, plus the addition of Gionta to prop him up, I like his chances. #2 - Myers. Make or break on "elite" player. If he plays like an all-star....tank be damned. #3 - Girgs. Love his game, simple as that. Good call on the non-tank thread!
  7. I happened to be in the ADKs a couple of weeks ago and dropped in for a bit of USA vs Sweden. We expected to see them on the main sheet and I assumed there might be a nominal ticket charge and maybe 1000 people. Instead they were playing out back on the 3rd rink painted for curling. There were maybe 200 people there, 100 of us that weren't scouts or suit-types, all crowded around the glass. 0 bleacher seating. Cost was $0. The player benches were very short and with the bigger rosters it looked the NYC subway in rush hour. I suppose it's an exhibition game, but both teams are flying their official colors. I think if it was in Buffalo (or Minn?) people would show up for the feature events. Harbor Center looks like it would be perfect for this. Oh and we talked to one other group of fans there....yup, also Sabres fans.
  8. Not sure about the dentist, google maps (next to Island Valley).
  9. That dry cleaner on Fairport Rd that's listed isn't THAT busy. My interpretation was that the $76m is over the course of the investigation, if so thats 12-15 months so about $5m per month. Or more likely figure it's heavy in late January, so maybe a slow month is 1-2M and January is $40m? If they were networked into a bunch of pro athletes I could see it. $100k here, $50k there on superbowl would add up nicely. Ink young Parinnello (who is representing a Ruff) told Breen yesterday that hockey betting is not involved, but it was pretty soft statement. "to the best of my knowledge..." or something like that (can't find the link).
  10. My guess is Vanek's bets were likely larger than any of their 100s(?) of customers by a decimal point or two, so Feds call him in as a witness to help their case, rather than 20 guys betting $500. Sucks for him.
  11. Must be his bookie from AHL days? Aud I don't think there's any relation to Lindy, at least not immediate (children, siblings).
  12. Something about an illegal gambling ring? http://www.whec.com/...2.shtml?cat=565 http://www.fbi.gov/buffalo/press-releases/2014/three-men-indicted-on-gambling-and-money-laundering-charges
  13. I like the effort too. He seemed to really respond to Nolan and get after it, problem is his production was still pretty lame. Better teammates should help. Also from the limited exposure we have to his personality, he seems like a good dude / teammate to have (goofy interview series from a couple years ago, though I still don't get that sport goods store commercial).
  14. Nuts. Explosive sniffing? Aren't there supposed to be explosives on stage at a MegaDeth show? Cool that you took your son and extra points that he was smart enough to smoke up before hand! :P I had that show penciled in, but we did the scrimmage instead. Phish was at CMAC last night too. Blah to all the "well there is nothing else to do" goofs, in response to 8.5k at the scrimmage.
  15. Heh yeah we got there a few minutes late, went to 200s. Place is packed, find section with lots of empty seats, roll up, oops, guess we aren't sitting here! (roped off for staff) I loved that Murray was sitting there solo with no one within 3 or 4 seats of him while others were clustered up. Crazy man like. Don't talk to me.
  16. I'm no GMTM, but I liked Compher giving it to Grigs. If I had to bet I'd say Grigs will be a bust. He pushed back a little but mostly just seemed annoyed. Like Vanek in that respect. Hopefully he lights up the A next Oct /Nov and can contribute /gain respect. I thought Zadarov looked slow and a step behind the play in his own end. He stood a couple guys up nicely, but at his worst I had a Joe Finley flashback. Still a year off from regular nhl duty? Agreed on Armia looking comfortable and in control. First call up? Lemiux looked good too in this group, skating and chirping and making guys nervous. The size of the crowd was redonk. The lack of respect for the whistle was equally redonk. Not sure what people were thinking there. No ushers, woohoo!
  17. Anyone know if concessions will be open?
  18. And at $18 a pair for the "right" socks to be cool in middle school. (with left foot / right foot formed/labeled!) They say Lacrosse bros started it. It's out of hand.
  19. Interesting. I googled http://www.syracuse.com/crunch/index.ssf/2013/12/tim_connolly.html Makes sense. I saw him play for Marlies a couple times vs Amerks. "disinterested" is right.
  20. Haha. I did not know that, cool.
  21. Two things on this: 1. Remember Kim is from Fairport, FHS '87. Inkman is '89. I don't know if that means anything but it gives me some comfort. 2. If it were Darcy I might be worried. GMTM is working on his magnus opus. No guarantees of course, but this is his moment, he's not going to be derailed by Terry or Kim or the pasta guy. Trust.
  22. Vaclav Karabacek Don't forget Darcy's theft w/ Moulson/Vanek. 5/5 works for me!
  23. Welcome back. Hopefully this means no John Scott as well.
  24. It's a good point, but if Darcy did it he would have presented it like a puss with excuses or spin. GMTM did it like a boss, with confidence and ready to take on anyone questioning it. "yup, we could of done that. we didn't. next?" Good stuff.
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