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Everything posted by bcsaberks

  1. Good to hear. Yeah idk what is typical these days, but my one experience there, SSPU/Cage Elephant a few years ago (fairly mild as it goes), got two-handed in the back to the floor by giant security guy "NO MOSHING!". I'm a 40+ year old skinny guy, the pit was fine until he showed up and started destroying people. Left a bad taste with that place.
  2. It is an interesting venue. How did Security handle that crowd / dancing?
  3. Man. "And most important, they are the only team to not provide information to their fans about their plans moving forward. This is minor-league stuff all the way." GMTM has been exceptionally accessible and candid from my view. They'd prefer Darcy saying nothing at a podium, rolling cliche after cliche? OK then, I guess that's major league, doing the dance. I think the answer is yes, they can snub the old-timey print outlet. It certainly works for me, canceled the D&C (Roc) years ago.
  4. Very cool. The Long Green Line! My family and I recently took that new flight on Allegiant, Niagara Falls - Punta Gorda direct for a reasonable price. Could be a game changer.
  5. Wow. Good for him!
  6. Flynnsanity! 2 assists, all over the ice.
  7. I will see you there! :beer: Thinking further, Friday night break-down at BCA: 33% Amerks die-hards = don't care, probably angry about Tank (Amerks suck) 33% Non-hockey fans there for something to do (Perinton Ambulance group outing tonight for example) 15% General hockey fans (most of my son's teammates (also group outing tonight) are bandwagon fans of other teams) 17% Sabres fans first :thumbsup: 1% Cotton Eyed Curt
  8. This org is killing me. Will be interesting to see if there's any crowd reaction to Sabres score at BCA. I highly doubt they'd use PA, but from people keeping watch on phones or out of town scoreboard.
  9. So far, The War on Drugs at Water Street in June. If it works out, maybe Phish for a night at Watkins Glen in August. Nostalgic for me, eye-opener for my now high school daughter. Looks like camping is already sold out though.
  10. Curriculum probably shouldn't necessarily be different especially for math and science, not just in US but arguably globally. My point is - who should make the decision? Local gov't? State? Feds? Some global entity? Bring big gov't in, and you get crap like what's happening today, community funds are being held hostage by bureaucrats "comply or else". Not cool. Sorta like Boston in 1773. Why not let EDU professionals self-regulate like many other industries? AMA style for Doctors for example. Maybe that's pie-in-sky again, but I'd prefer a shift in that direction, rather than Cuomo deciding which teachers are hired and fired. Re: physical barriers (1800s), the Internet is so awesome here. Neutralize. Some kid on Avenue A in Rochester can watch the same Youtube as a kid in rural Africa which is the same one a wealthy kid from OP is watching. Game changer. (only advocating internet as one piece of instruction, and can't wait for google (balloons) or fb (drones) or whoever to solve the Internet to rural Africa problem). Pasta - check me here, but I don't think curriculum is the problem for the struggling districts. It's poverty / missing families. How does moving to more federal requirements and control solve that? I'd suggest it doesn't, instead it frustrates achieving locals, and in doing so will likely drive the "haves" to move towards more private solutions in the future which is the exact opposite outcome desired.
  11. For me it comes down to control. I'm older than the Fed Dept of Ed (as cabinet level entity, est.1979) Is it necessary? Is it constitutional? Ed should be locally controlled. Roll up to the state a little bit where it makes sense, but local Boards of Ed are layer 1 and the key piece. Parents should be responsible for the education of their children, not politicians / Albany or DC. Parents and Principals are completely capable of evaluating teachers and the performance of school districts. If they suck, we can lobby to have a teacher removed (which admittedly the Union makes very difficult) and or we can elect Board members who will make changes. Testing should be a piece of measurement for both the student and the teacher and the community, but what percentage of the pie it represents again should be a local decision. Ok, back to reality. I agree that un-involved parents are screwing this ideology up big time, allowing this "our schools are failing" rhetoric that is untrue for the most part. I trust Feds, Cuomo, and Bill Gates are well intended, but personally believe they are on the wrong track. And agreed re: one size does not fit all. Again, let locals decide.
  12. Daring to sniff this thread....State Tests anyone? Sorta Presidential in that Bush ramped things up and Obama piled on with big increases in federal influence over education, at least in terms of rhetoric, but it feels like $ and policy too. Those policies are rolling down to the States, and Cuomo seems to be all about it in an attempt to appear to be Presidential himself. Buffalo is leading the way in revolt via Kenmore-Tonawanda. Fairport has stuck their necks out some too. Very interesting dynamics. Teachers Union and Libertarians (local control) united? Shocker. The decision to opt-out needs to made within next week or so. Tough call.
  13. Good stuff! After world juniors I'm bullish. I'm not expecting much of a "wow" factor just very good play all around. (hopefully physical piece has improved, Grinderville aka AHL is a great place to test too). Grigorenko was considered a risky pick with talent & big upside. Based on what we've seen I think the scouts nailed it. I don't think Reinhart brings the same risk. He's solid, its just a matter of maturity and ultimately if he wants it (a long successful career in nhl).
  14. Great point re: choice and understanding of the situation. I suppose one could argue their core principles (work ethic, respect for game) or whatever trump ours. But meh. Yup. I can't wait for this to be over.
  15. Sweet. Going Friday. Looking forward to Grabowsky too.
  16. Gionta will be back, and the others that are, let's call it "NHL Secure" ie: signed to a contract worth several million dollars, are the ones I'm looking to. Kaleta too for that matter. He's not going to earn a contract based on play in games 81 and 82. Hopefully his friends that grew up Sabres fans are in his ear on this. You've gone too far back for me re: Housley years, but I hear ya on brotherhood. Assuming that's the case "we play for eachother!" for fs sake, someone snap out of it. You all are buddies? Great! Have a beer after the game and do us all a favor and mail the next one in. Last point, "they've turned on the coach". We hear that all the time right? Minnesota this year. Lindy a couple years ago. How does that match up to "these guys are pros, they don't know how to not compete 100% for the win". It's crap.
  17. Let's hope so. It's the right thing to do. Not sure how these posters who don't know him personally can state "no possible way". They are gonna tell us "well, they are pro athletes" blah blah blah. That's the pedestal we like to put them on. I'm not buying it. They are regular guys just everyone here, just happen to be gifted athletes, etc.
  18. And let's not forget, he was drafted 3rd. :sick:
  19. I could get with this but Nolan is playing for NHL life too. He knows his chance of being here in the future is low w/ GMTM, So wins are his best bet at landing another gig. I suppose you could argue "team player w/ mgmt" might be his better shot given his reputation, but he's a lone wolf, that isn't happening.
  20. Gionta. I was on board with this team winning, dumb hope-filled fan style, "maybe they sneak into 8th, then who knows!" until January. Then, fine, tank it is. Gionta has 2 years on his contract here and maybe 2 years left in the league. He's got no reason to selfishly play balls-out for a new contract/life in NHL like ~70% of the roster does. As the captain, don't be a d-b and rally the team "fans suck, we play for each other" nonsense. Maybe he doesn't get it? GMTM and TP both want 30th. The fans want 30th. Of course Nolan doesn't, it's embarrassing to him. Get on board and coast a little bit, it won't take much, and we won't think less of you. Quietly reassure the other veterans / those not fighting for their lives ($) (so Ennis, Moulson, Bogosian) (crap, is that it?) "pssst...it's ok to coast a little bit, f this season, game on in oct". It appears he's doing the exact opposite. So if we finish 29th I'm putting it on him. Looking forward, Zegmus gives me hope for a captain that actually understands the business. Of course, take care of yourself #1 ($$$), but respect the fans and empathize with them.
  21. Oh, maybe on the radio. He didn't mention it in his blog post. Well then 2 sources improves likelihood it was noteworthy. Again I put it on Gionta. Assuming he's setting the tone as captain. Give us what we want Brian! You are being paid MILLIONS to do so to the best of your abilities.
  22. Re: post-game celebration. I think the genesis of this narrative is this Vogl tweet: https://twitter.com/BuffNewsVogl/status/582762651203203072 John Vogl‏@BuffNewsVogl Lots of shouts of joy coming from Sabres' dressing room. Were there any other reports? Hoppe? Hamilton? Unsure to what degree Vogl trolls (no where near Bucky / Jerry S level) I think it's being blown way out of proportion. After a win, celebrate, especially given this crap season.
  23. You mean guys thinking "if they draft 1st or 2nd, that guy is most definitely on this roster next year, and it's one less spot for me"? Yeah I can see that. And I can see Nolan whispering into their ears daily. Kaleta with the A for example.
  24. Last year I think they did give up...the last 10 games or so were really really bad and it looked like lack of effort was part of that. If they are rallying against the fans that's freaking lame. And if Gionta is leading the way he's a tool. As Taro(?) said up thread, more likely it's that the PP is actually moving closer to historical averages, and they are playing weak opponents. Either way, this sucks.
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