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Everything posted by Sabretooth73

  1. cool.... im definitely gonna get is this year, mad i didnt last season, but oh well, saw most games on "OLN"..... and was in raleigh for game 1 of the conf finals
  2. do you guys get on here and chat during every game? not bashing you, just curious, bc when i watch the games the last thing i want is distraction, like having to type.... id rather sit, relax, and have some cold ones im at work right now, and live in NC, and wanna get the nhl package on directv once the proce drops, anyone know when that is? and how much?
  3. i live in NC, orig from buffalo (williamsville) when does directv lower the center ice package,? sick of not seeing any games except the occasional "versus" broadcast
  4. montreal wins tonite, 3-1
  5. may be a dumb question but what does (Pinned) mean? im referring to (pinned) game discussion thread, as this topic
  6. WTF! sick of this garbage, lets try playing like the BEST team in the NHL again!
  7. im out, gonna logoff now, go have a few cold ones, and watch tv, and check for updates on espn/espn news..happy thanksgiving everyone.....go sabres/go bills...... i will be in OP sunday to watch those pathetic bunch of idiots called the Bills..... hope they can pull one out, I mean i am driving over 600 miles to see them for crying out loud
  8. ANOTHER penalty???? WTF
  9. thanks...is Lydman playing???? This could be a 7-5, 7-6 type of game??
  10. awesome news....man all these sites are so slow with scoring updates
  11. thats more like it, man i wish i had nhl center ice, im getting it when the price drops at midway point of season......someone tell me what happened the 1st 3 mins of the game, and is lydman playing?????
  12. wtf is going on? 3 mins, 3 penalties, down 2-0???? i live in nc, not getting center ice package until half season since I already paid for nfl ticket (mistake).... wtf is going on?
  13. i sense another home loss tonite, i hope im wrong...1-0 TB.>>WTF!!!!!
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