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Everything posted by chileanseabass

  1. I rented a Glock 17 at the range last year, and wasn't impressed. Stopped by a new gun shop/range near my office yesterday and spent a good 30 minutes chatting with one of the managers. He invited me to bring my wife in one day and basically try 7 or 8 different pistols on the range, to see what fits best for both of us. She has little to no experience with guns, but is eager to learn.
  2. I used to like it, but now I just make my own. Don't follow any recipes, just use what's on hand. I like mine with a good bit of cider vinegar and a little heat up front, but also try to have some sweet notes in there. Honey, root beer, Dr. Pepper, molasses... whatever I feel like throwing in there to sweeten it up a bit, but not too much.
  3. I have a good amount of experience, but this will be my first pistol (have a shotgun, couple of rifles). When I lived with a good friend of mine, we went to the range all the time. He's a collector and his older brother is in law enforcement, so it was like a gun show every time they were together. I was able to try a lot of different things, and learned a lot being around them. The lack of safeties on the PPX is the one thing that has kept me from buying one up to now. My wife has zero experience, and my older stepsons enjoy going to the range, but are learning with handguns (both are great with rifes). Any recommendation for a good, easy-to-use 9 mm for beginners?
  4. Within the next few weeks, I hope to purchse a new 9 mm. I'm seriously considering a Walther PPX. I haven't had the chance to fire one yet, but love the way it feels in my hand. My wife really likes it too, which is a big plus. Trying to find one that is good for both of us. Hopefully i can find a range around here that rents one. Anyone have experience with the PPX? My experience with pistols is fairly limited to a few CZs and Glocks.
  5. Totally didn't realize I'd been on here for 10 years. I do far more lurking than posting, but do visit daily.
  6. Sam Reinhart
  7. ArgentinianLandCow
  8. I have a premium/preferred (whatever it's called) checking account with PNC and I have no fees whatsoever, including reimbursement from non-PNC ATMs. I used to have my auto loan from them as well, and that was another great experience. In 3 years with them I have nothing to complain about.
  9. I had something similar happen a few years ago with BOA. They pissed me off royally after having an account with them for close to 20 years. So, I closed it, switched to PNC and haven't regretted it one bit.
  10. I honestly could care less about experience, background, or any of that crap for this position. It's all about personality. With what we do, and specifically for this position, the only thing I must have in a candidate is an interest/desire to work in sales, and an outgoing personality. I get so many people who really have no interest in sales, they just apply for a sales job because they need a job. It's a waste of my time and theirs. Attention to detail is a key part of this job though, so if you're sloppy, you probably won't succeed (or at a minimum, the magnifying glass wielding President of the company will chew you up and spit you out). That's why the carelessly assembled resumes are an instant turn off. People make mistakes all the time, that's fine, but when you have all the time in the world to proof your resume and cover letter, then be sure to get it right. What nfreeman said pretty much sums it up. I'm a fan of the follow up email, but don't go overboard. One email the following day is good enough. I also like it when interviewees ask me specifics about the compensation or what I like/dislike about my job. I hate interviews where I ask all the questions. I'm heading into an interview right now... recent grad from an SEC school... great looking resume and cover letter. Degree isn't necessarily what we normally get (Psychology with concentration studies in marketing interior design), but expresses herself very well in the cover letter. Let's see how this goes....
  11. LOL that's what I get for visiting SS on my phone....
  12. My co-worker is the same with her now 15-year old lab. This dog has chronic ###### (you can't say a-n-a-l?) gland issues, but she refuses to do surgery. Instead of paying the vet to squeeze out the nastiness, she just does it herself.
  13. I just don't get recent college grad job hunters. I graduated in 2006, and did everything the career folks at my school told me to. I don't get these kids nowadays. They bitch about not being able to find a job, yet the people I've interviewed for an entry-level sales position just don't get it. They do nothing to try and stand out, have resumes filled with spelling and formatting errors, and don't follow directions. I specifically ask for a cover letter, yet most don't submit one. I had one kid tell me they're "not necessary anymore." I explained to him that the whole reason we ask for one is to see what kind of writing skills an applicant posses. Is it cut and paste or original? Can they sell themselves? By not even submitting one it shows you can't follow directions. When I explained this to him he just looked at me and said, "oh." With three of them I came away from the interview feeling "meh." Not bad, but no wow factor. They easily could have gained some favor with a simple thank you email. Nothing, so they stay in the "meh" pile. We've been advertising the position since mid-May, and I've had two out of maybe 20 candidates that did what I expect a serious applicant to do (I offered the job to one of them, but he chose another offer). The other one I met with yesterday, and while her personality was spot on, again, her resume was replete with spelling errors (a graduate of one of the SUNY schools FWIW). This whole process just leaves me baffled and wanting to band my head against a wall.
  14. With the fashion police... http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/kane-skipped-game-after-incident-with-teammates/
  15. I recently traded in my 2013 Mazda 3 sedan for a new 2015 Mazda 3 hatch. I can't say enough about how much I love it. My daily commute is 45 mins to 1:15 depending on traffic, and now I really don't mind it. I get around 33 MPG daily driving, but when I drove it to Virginia recently I was able to get around 40 MPG for the trip.
  16. Had my house under contract to close on the 19th, and the buyer backed out, all thanks to the incompetent real estate agents involved. It just blows my mind how stupid these people are, that they pissed away their commission for being careless idiots. The good that came of it? The buyer let me keep the earnest money, so I come out $1000 up, but it cost me just under that to keep the house sitting there empty for the past month. The house has now been on the market for a year (vacant since March), in a great area, and I can't get anyone to buy the feckin thing. I could rent it, but I'd rather just get my equity out and be done with it. After the latest debacle I've fired my agent, and will be starting the process again with a new one as of July 1st.
  17. Yep, that was my pick. At least he won gold in Lake Placid.
  18. Unless what goes wrong is that your Dad, who is also your best man, passes out midway through the ceremony, crashing into you, knocking over your bride, and proceeds to split his face open on the floor. Because that will never turn into a nice memory.
  19. I've been a member of the board since August 2005... hard to believe it's coming up on 10 years. I have a meager 1,100+ posts, despite the fact I visit the board at least once a day. The board is just fine the way it is. It can be tough to follow along with all of the inside jokes and whatnot, but that's an issue any "new" person will encounter when coming in as the new guy/gal. Just jump in and try not to make waves.
  20. I caught a game at the Bell Centre about 4 years ago against the 'Hawks. Paid $125 for a seat 3 rows from the top. Easily the most enjoyable game I've ever attended.
  21. Today, my 14-year old stepson is serving his first of 3 days of in school suspension. Tuesday, some kid in his class slapped him, so he pushed him and asked why he hit him. The teacher deemed it a "physical altercation," so the principal levied 3 days ISS for each. My stepson says he never hit him, just pushed him away, but the "witnesses" that were brought in all said he slapped him back. Of course they were the other kid's friends.
  22. I don't get Showtime, so I guess I'll have to watch it scrambled like back in the old days.
  23. Goodbye North America, hello Europe!
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