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Everything posted by chileanseabass

  1. I was pro-ACA and still am in theory (or at least some type of nationalized healthcare system), but after having been subjected to the "marketplace" and seen how it works for the past two years, it's pure crap. Has some "good" come from ACA? I guess, but it's a complete cluster######. EDIT: Case in point... I signed my wife and kids up for a new policy for 2016. Did it before the Dec. 15 deadline. Their former insurer is no longer operating in NC, so it was rolled over to a "comparable" plan with a new company (automatically, without asking if we wanted to), which wasn't really comparable at all. My wife called and said, no thanks, we'll find a new plan. A new plan was chosen and premium was paid. Fast forward to today... she just spent 2 hours on the phone, going back and forth between the marketplace and the new insurer. They've taken our payment but we still have no insurance cards or policy numbers. My two stepsons require monthly doctors visits and prescriptions. So what's going on? Insurer claims they never received cancellation notice from marketplace so we're being charged for two plans, showing a negative balance, and hence no cards were issued as we're now in default. We were told to wait 30 days for it to be resolved. When asked about how to pay for the doctor's visits next week and corresponding prescriptions (each over $200 out of pocket), we were told to pay cash, which we don't have, and told they *may* reimburse it later. We asked for a case number to follow up, and were told one would be issued in 2-3 days. The ACA/marketplace/whatever you want to call it, can kiss my ass.
  2. One thing's for sure... Steve Avery had a killer curveball.
  3. Shoot, Bi-Lo here in the Charlotte area had a deal where you got double fuel perks on gift card purchases, right around the time I needed to make a +/- $1,500 purchase at Lowes. I stopped at Bi-Lo before heading over to Lowes, and ended up with a bunch of free gas. Totally worth it.
  4. I have weeks worth of pent up complaints, but every time Thursday comes around I'm too flippin lazy to type it all out and vent. :censored:
  5. My oldest stepson (he's 14), won his weight class at the county wrestling tournament on Saturday. My wife made him start wrestling in May and he was totally against it. It was either that or military school, as we had just had enough. He started training with a local club during the summer and went undefeated this Middle School season, 11-0, winning every match but one by pin. He's only lost one match, and that was his first ever match in an AAU tournament, but he's never been pinned. He ran right through his bracket in the tournament and we couldn't be prouder of him. It's also helped turn his grades around, going from D's to B's, and far fewer behavior problems.
  6. I think I've probably had 2-3 sips of coffee in my whole life.... nasty. As for tea, maybe two cups in 35 years. Can't stand that either.
  7. Yeah, I've seen some of those before. Quite impressive. I wish we had similar coaches available for my kids. My daughter's team has really come around. They lost their first 5 games by a combined score of 35-1, but have won their last 4 straight, by a combined score of 21-4. Something has clicked and they're getting it. My son's team has only lost one game all year, and it was really close, but their team is a straight up tire fire. They should easily win every game by 5 or 6 goals, but they can't/refuse to play as a team so they win 3-1 instead. Instead of trying to change that mentality, the coach just rolls with it since they're winning.
  8. That's insane. My daughter is playing U10 at the moment and is miles behind something like that. Hell, I wish my son's U14 team could move the ball that way. Instead, the coaches have them give the ball to the two highly skilled players on the team and watch them try to dribble through 4-5 defenders. It's infuriating. Luckily one of the two is suspended for their next match for yellow card accumulation. I don't have any real "experience" in soccer, but I'm a fan of the game and coached hockey for a number of years so there's some things I understand, and a lot of learned in a short period of time. I've befriended a few of the non-English speaking Mexican dads on the team (some played pro in Mexico) and we just complain about the coaching (or lack there of).
  9. Taking the kids out as a skater, Philipp Lahm, a mummy, Darth Vader, and a bee. The mrs. and I will be dressed as two people with lots of kids.
  10. Thanks! 35 years young!
  11. With my two youngest
  12. I'm allergic to cats. Gotta get out of this thread ASAP.
  13. I'm bearded as well. I'll try to get a pic up later today.
  14. I don't know that much about it, just that the incident with him getting kicked out of practice was late in the season. His behavior was erratic throughout the season, but it came to head, he was kicked out of practice, had a big falling out in the press with Torts, tanked in the playoffs, and was not re-signed.
  15. This happened during the 05-06 season. I moved to Tampa in May '06, after they were bounced from the playoffs, and this guy was signed by the Hurricanes before the 06-07 season. He and Torts had a big falling out in the press. Although Torts never publicly spoke of his party animal ways, that was a big issue.
  16. When I lived in Tampa we played at the Lightning practice facility and heard all kinds of stories about a certain Lightning goaltender that'd show up for practice completely wasted. One morning at practice, after a supposed all night coke binge, Torts kicked him off the ice and sent him home. One of my teammates, who worked at the rink, was there when it all went down.
  17. Sausage-grabbing Marys?
  18. Every summer we have a company outing and the 12 or so of us do something "fun, yet challenging." This year we split into two teams and did this, trying to see who could escape their room quicker. We had a lot of fun. Definitely recommend it for group outings.
  19. Last night, while putting him to bed, my 6 year old son told me he wants to be a scientist when he grows up so he can "make medicine to help sick people, you know, like the guy that made the vaccine to stop small pox, you know which came from cowpox, right?" When I was in first grade I don't think I even knew about smallpox.
  20. It probably already has one in place... the new arena is co-owned by MGM Resorts, which owns Excalibur.
  21. I figured wether you like him or hate him he won't go away.
  22. Brad Marchand is the herpes of viruses
  23. I remember having it with my grandfather as a kid... I didn't like it too much. That and head cheese. That man ate head cheese by the pound.
  24. I'll have to try the brisling sardines. I haven't been too crazy about the other sardines I've tried in the past. Lately I've been hooked on the smoked kippers (herring). I get the Polar brand at Wal-Mart for around $1.25/can. I just drain them, toss on some hot sauce and that's a cheap lunch. I probably have it 2-3 times per week.
  25. One step closer to HarborCenter.
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