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Everything posted by chileanseabass

  1. No point in trading Stafford now. He's back on track, and will be the team captain next year :rolleyes:
  2. 1. Got my son back Monday from a week at his mom's with either Hand Foot & Mouth or Chicken Pox. Took him to the doctor on Monday evening and she had no clue what it was. Said it could be either of them, and to act as if he's highly contagious. My wife, who runs the daycare he attends, said "no way" to allowing him to go, so he's been coming to work with me this week. 2. I was in a car wreck on Dec. 10th, which totaled my car and left me with a messed up shoulder. I've been getting treatments 2-3 times a week, but still haven't been cleared to resume playing hockey. I missed the last 6 games of the season, including our run through the playoffs that culminated in a 4-3 shootout loss last night. Yes, they decided a championship via shootout. Our team was undermanned as I was out with the bum shoulder, and had two teammates out because they were stuck in other cities and couldn't make it home due to the "horrendous snow storm" that has shut down most of the southeast. 3. After being in a rental for three weeks following my wreck, I finally attempted to buy a car two weeks ago, and settled on a slightly used Honda Civic Hybrid. I test drove it a few times, checked everything out and it seemed great. Went back a few days later to finalize the paperwork and the engine light popped on at the dealership. The mechanic tried to pull the code, but it wasn't giving one, so the dealer told me to take it, and if it came back on, to get the code and he'd fix whatever was wrong with it. The next day, the light was back and the code was - "Deteriorated Hybrid Battery Pack." I drove it back to the dealer Saturday morning (45 mins from my house), and he took it to Honda to get the battery checked out. I was in Vegas the next week for work and left the car with him. Honda tried a software upgrade, which didn't work and later determined the battery needed to be replaced ($2,600). On his way back to his dealership, the guy rear ended a woman, leaving "scratches on both cars" (as he told me). So, he agrees to take the car back, and I said I'd drive back up there this weekend to look at something else. Yesterday my insurance company calls and says the woman he hit got a lawyer, and for now, I'm on the hook since the car is insured in my name (NC law). So my insurance company is trying to get his insurance company to take this over, and they're not sure if they want to, which would mean it still stays on me, until my insurance company can subrogate against them. That's enough for now, but I do have more should I feel like typing more later.
  3. I've seen him play in the AHL a few times. There's no question about his skill, but the effort wasn't always there. I think that's one of the reasons he couldn't stick in Edmonton.
  4. Last Tuesday (12/10) I was sitting at a stop light and was rear ended. Guy hit me so hard the quarter panel buckled, the screws that hold the bumper on were driven into the tires, and it even opened my sun roof. The attending cop told me I'd get the other guys info in the police report, and didn't want me to talk to him. He said the police report would be ready no later than Friday. Finally got the report yesterday (after I personally bitched to the chief), only to find out the guys insurance lapsed (in NC it's illegal to not have auto insurance). My car has been stuck at the body shop accruing storage fees, and I've been paying out of pocket for a rental. I started treatment for my injuries, which so far has been good, but if my shoulder doesn't respond, then I may have a partially torn rotator cuff. Oh, and a rock chipped the windshield on my rental. Oh, and I also have a sinus infection and bronchitis, currently running a fever of 102.7.
  5. That could possibly be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Yes, it's been a tough week.
  6. Well it was fun pulling for the US while it lasted. As much as I like Klinsmann, I'm not sure he can pull this one off.
  7. This is beyond amazing. Been following on twitter from work.
  8. You have to wonder if seeing guys like Yzerman, Sakic, etc. in management roles piqued Pat's interest.
  9. son of a... looking forward to the press conference, and I just got an email... "staff meeting starts in 5 minutes."
  10. Per Bob McKenzie, it's LaFontaine.
  11. I've always worn Bauers, never even tried another brand. But, I have wide feet (wear a 7 EE) and am intrigued about Graf. I've heard they're wider, and my 7EE Bauer's are even a tad narrow. The newer Bauers I tried on last year were EE's, but didn't feel as wide my old ones (even the wide Vapor models are way too narrow for me). I like a tight fitting skate, but if it's too tight my arches will cramp. Anyone have any experience with Grafs? A guy on my team just got a pair while he was in Canada visiting family. He's been breaking them in over the past month, and last night was the first game he wore them. He's by far and away the best skater on our team, and he busted his ass twice and looked really unsteady. I suppose there's a different rocker/angle to get used to?
  12. I'm at 300. Going all 300 on Buffalo.
  13. I've been wearing the same pair of Bauer Supreme 5000's since my sophomore year of college in 2001. They're beat to hell, smell, the inside lining is all torn up, the pads on the sides of my ankle have been worn through, but I just can't get rid of them. I'm not all that good, and play about once a week (I took about 3.5 years off between 2003-2006). I was in Ottawa last year and looked at some new skates, tried a few pairs on, and couldn't believe how much nicer they were... and lighter too. But, I stuck with my old 5000's and will be wearing them again tonight at 9:15. I will admit though... reading this thread has me itching for some new skates.
  14. I'm at $1160 $200 on Buffalo
  15. I'm going with 6 for Lapierre and 5 for McLeod.
  16. Back up to $1160. Thanks, Sabres!
  17. At 960, 280 on 'Couver
  18. I work for a company that organizes international food & beverage trade shows, and many of our clients receive export assistance funding through the USDA (comes through the Farm Bill). Participation in these events requires a lot of planning and most companies register 6-14 months in advance of the show. Those companies that receive assistance (maybe 50% of our client base) are stuck in the mud at this point, as they don't know when/if that funding will be continued. Plus we work closely with USDA in Washington and the overseas offices, which only some are currently functioning.
  19. Looking at their roster, they shouldn't be much better than Buffalo. #blueprint
  20. Too many to pick just one. At this very moment in time? "Do the Evolution." Who's opening for them tomorrow? Looks like they're using regional bands as opposed to the same act throughout the tour. Last time I saw them was in Tampa in 2008 with Kings of Leon.
  21. I'm going on 10/30 down here in Charlotte.... should be a good time!
  22. I don't know, but I can't freakin wait til the Beyond B&G where Ted eats the turd burger! :thumbsup:
  23. I'm at $1160 $200 on Buffalo
  24. At $1400 $240 on Buffalo
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