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Everything posted by Spudz
LOL @ this board. I used to read all the time. Came back for deadline day and it has gotten even worse than I remember. We got one guy yelling worst trade in Sabres history, and another arguing about his opinion mattering for some reason. I can think of 2 trades in the last couple years that are worse. Have fun...
Don't post, but I visit very often. Mobile sucks primarily because the message board requires you to be in full screen to skip pages or skip to the end. I personally liked the old design with the players leg hanging off the board as a banner, but agree it was a little too cluttered. The new design is too simplistic although you probably aren't done. I do a bit of web work but I'm a software engineer not a designer. In regards to your image size comment, you can have different pages for mobile so you don't sacrifice big screen design when you have it. For example slashdot.org. Resize it in your desktop browser to mobile view and holy crap batman, but who does that? Visit on mobile and it gives a presentation similar to what I think you are trying to achieve. Just some food for thought. Keep up the good work! You are awesome!
I never post but visit multiple times daily. The thing that, by far, drives me nutty is in the mobile view I can't figure out how to skip to the end of the thread. It makes me hit "next" page by page. I usually request the desktop version of the site in order to do this. You've got a great board here, keep it up!
I'm sure your employer will do that... $XXX.XX00
Golf. I think that is the only reason i like going.
Politics... I don't want this thread turning ugly, but plain and simple both sides suck, and this country's people are misrepresented. What the hell do the NY senate republicans doing deciding to vote themselves into power? the people elected the democrats and they should hold the higher ranks. Of course they had to recruit 2 crooked dem's to achieve it which makes it even that much better. BTW I hate both parties very much, and today I sent in my change of party form. I'm not longer republican and it feels good Next complaint... I'm now independant, which I hate that too. I will now be grouped with the "oh you're independant" tag meaning either too dumb or to radical to pick a side. There shouldn't be a term called independant, should just be not registered under a party.
Kate's a bitch, and yes this show sucks purely from the exploiting your children standpoint.
Their cover of Wicked Game is sweeeeeet.
People who hijack complaint threads with stories of their happiness in expecting children. Start an OT thread or something. "OT - I knocked up my wife again... now what?" My new co-workers aren't very friendly. I've been here 3 months and it is hard to even talk to them. It is so clicky I feel like I'm in high school. At least I have a few friends here but not people I work with.
You happen to go to the concert last summer at CMAC? Pretty good show, I was 5 rows from the front.
Amen, I swear next time I'll point it right at him!
Not caring about hockey anymore. I really lost desire to watch detroit pitt or carolina. I do like watching chi but I know how it is going to end. At least I can be outside and enjoying the weather.
Fat chicks need lovin too
It doesn't get any better than NHL '93 for sega genesis. Just stick with that and you can play it for free on your computer, no $300 gaming system needed.
Neither. We make medical devices, but here there is good process because it is a medical device company, and there is over blown nonsense process. This particular complaint falls under the later. I'm all for process when it makes a difference, but it is stupid quality assurance engineers going over board thinking their job is to critic everything.
The company software quality process. I just don't understand why a small code change ~ 5 lines of code will end up taking 3 meetings, 5 visio slides, and 1 month to complete.
I thought I heard somewhere that spacehog was getting back together. Not sure that means anything though...
MotorHead is awesome. Period. ...and I do love cheap trick. You got to listen to their other stuff to appreciate them. "He's a " is a good start.
Anyone ever had a vegemite sandwich? My turn... UP THE IRONS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgqxQmAbTBc
I mulched half my landscaping on sunday, went back bought more bags of mulch 2 days later. Same brand and it looks totally different. Chunk size is so small compared to the first bag, and it makes the color look darker. Now I get to buy more and spend more time this weekend messing around with it. Also related to yard work... I wanted to buy a lawn mower online. Just as I am all ready to enter my credit card number it says can't ship outside of California. Why didn't they tell me that up front while I was doing all the lawn mower research. F%#& California !!!!!
How dare you imply that a woman should only be in the kitchen.... I let mine to at least wander the house I.E. kitchen, laundry room, bedroom.... etc.
VP Biden says he'd avoid planes and subway. Nothing like our country's leaders inducing fear. While he's at it might as well say he'd pull all his money out of the stock market.
I'm pissed the first game of the Caps Pitt series is sat at 1:00, and not going to be able to watch it. I HATE day hockey games!
Wish I had a couple million to give so I could go golfing.