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Everything posted by carpandean

  1. I do, too. Though, I try to say it as humbly as possible. ๐Ÿคช
  2. It's likely one of those situations where the right answer will sound wrong, or at least pretentious, to most others. Another example is replying "I am he" or "this is he" when someone asks to speak to a particular person. I actually had someone "correct" me by saying "him" back.
  3. We're talking monetary gambling, right? 'Cause I'm pretty sure we all engaged in emotional gambling the moment we chose to become fans of a team.
  4. Sigh ... odds <> probability. Most of y'all are talking about the latter. As for the actual probability of being selected once, it will be close to two independent draws, but not quite. It's a little higher ... If the Sabres don't win the first draw, then the winning combinations for the team that was picked first become redraws. As such, it's as though they are removed from the draw. So, for example, if a team with a 10% chance originally (i.e., 100/1000 combinations) were picked first, then the Sabres' probability of being picked in the second draw would become 50/(1000-100) = 0.0556 (5.56%). In total, the Sabres probability of being picked once: 0.05 + sum over all other teams{Pr[that team being picked first]*(0.05/(1-Pr[that team being picked first]))} = 10.319%
  5. I've gone frame-by-frame, but still couldn't tell you that Arttu score. I'm willing to take his word for it, though. This frame was pretty cool:
  6. We were outplaying them, but I went away for two minutes and came back to one goal against on their first shot. What happened?
  7. I want to say that there were options when you subscribed to AHLTV. My invoice says, "Regular Season and Playoffs โ€“ All-Access $104.99," so I'll be contacting someone if I don't have access. Edit: Confirmed. I still have access.
  8. We could trade for a Jack Eichel. I'm sure Vegas would be interested. Sorry, wrong thread ...
  9. Do we have any idea what they got for those trades?
  10. Fixed. Vegas can win theirs at any point, but Dallas would have to get 0 points.
  11. Aren't many of them just very talented kids who've just recently moved out of their (host) parents' homes and are now suddenly very rich? Picture fraternity brothers at many universities. Sure, if they choose to, they would likely know how useful the iPads could be. However, many of them probably treat them like their home devices, using them as distractions/toys and, if their personality are arrogant/defensive, as excuse machines.
  12. That whole SO looked too easy for the shooters on both sides. Jankowski just took too long to make up his mind. Nice save by UPL to finish it, but otherwise ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  13. Dang it, I'm going back to bed. Wake me when it's the 2nd.
  14. Something doesn't add up: Rochester and Toronto both have 13 games remaining, Rochester has 2 more points (70 vs. 68), but Toronto has a higher point % (0.576 vs. 0.556). ๐Ÿคจ Edit: Rochester has played 4 more games, so point % is right. Why do they have the same GR? Are teams not playing the same # of total games?
  15. But they're reaping all of those intangible benefits. ๐Ÿค—
  16. I'm pretty sure it's based on +/- and faceoffs.
  17. I think it's a skill that one has to develop over time with experience, rather than just being told what works. Crosby spent a long time specifically trying to get better at faceoffs. He was successful, but it didn't come overnight.
  18. If the Kevin Costner blockbuster Draft Day taught us anything, it's that they'll be able to trade a sliding highly-touted draft prospect with character concerns to get all of them back plus a faceoff specialist.
  19. Someone saw that he's considered a fan favorite - something about a post declaring him "the greatest Sabre of all time" - so they had to start him. It's all about giving the fans what they want, you know.
  20. Again, yes he was. Never engaged in seven years is wrong.
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