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Everything posted by carpandean

  1. Well, that Seattle-GB game should pretty do it for the replacement refs. GB got screwed three or four times at the end.
  2. The color has to be different to make it fit better?! :huh:
  3. Seeing as we've been talking a lot about uniforms lately, here's one about the Bills': I must have missed it when they were announced, but why do they have them wearing contrasting golf shirts under their jerseys? OK, not really - it's just a different color piece of the jersey, itself - but that's all that I can think of when I see them up close.
  4. Not at all in response to you. I agreed with what you said. It was in response to the "money grab" claims and those saying that raising prices to meet the requirements for revenue sharing proves he's running it purely for profit (which is really what I meant by "running it like a business," not actually having an organizational structure and operations that are run as any business would.)
  5. There certainly could be a healthy debate about whether the decision to keep those two was right or wrong had it been made in a proverbial bubble, but it's hard to argue that by keeping them, TP failed to separate his administration from the previous. Lindy, you could argue, is a likable character with tons of fans, so there was some logic behind keeping him. However, feelings toward Darcy pretty universally fell between tolerance, at best, and flat out disdain in many cases. It was an easy call to let him go, if only to cut a big connection to the past. If nothing else, you separate the two so that you get some data about them as individuals. That said, it will take them surviving another mediocre year before I jump off the bandwagon.
  6. 1) Third jerseys can be a money grab for a team/owner looking to make as much possible, but that doesn't mean that every time a team releases one, they are doing it as a money grab. Lots of fans like them (as mentioned they're fun), some upper-uppers may like the process of designing them, some older timers may like the tribute that they often bring, etc. 2) TP has not, in any way, run the Sabres like a business. He's flushed tons of cash into big signing bonuses, he's spent millions to upgrade the facilities, he's buried millions in contract down in Rochester or overseas, etc. In other words, he's not letting money keep him from doing something to better the team, unlike the previous owner. Yes, he chose not to throw away even money by missing out on revenue sharing, but I can hardly blame him for that. 3) Other than maybe resetting the colors, especially the blue, back to the originals, I don't see this group changing the primary uniform. The Slug was introduced and killed under TG. It's quite possible that the third will be a subtle variation of the originals, which will swap with the primaries (a la Islanders and Oilers.)
  7. 2011-12 L.A. Kings - Dustin Brown - 54 points 2010-11 Boston Bruins - Nathan Horton - 53 points (or Mark Recchi 48) 2009-10 Chicago Blackhawks - Marian Hossa - 51 points (kidding on this one, since he had 57 GP) 2008-09 Pittsburgh Peguins - Petr Sykora - 46 points 2007-08 Detroit Red Wings - Dan Cleary - 42 points 2006-07 Anaheim Ducks - Teemu Selanne - 94 points 2005-06 Carolina Hurricanes - Justin Williams 76 points So, other than Marian Hossa, SC Champion top-line RW have been roughly 50 point scorers since they stopped the "New NHL" rule calling after 2006-07.
  8. Speaking of the Beatles, who did George Harrison call when he wasn't satisfied with his own guitar work on his own song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs7jxtPCqks That's right, Eric Clapton! Wrote and performed the guitar solo on the album. Of course, that didn't work out so well for George, which brings us back to ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw01019P19g which was Clapton's way of telling George's wife, Patty, that he had the hots for her. It worked, too, because they later wed. Oddly, enough, George was one of his groomsmen. Anyway, I don't actually think Clapton is God (literally or figuratively.) I really do like much of his music, I like his guitar playing (though, definitely not best ever), and I also like his voice. In fact, one of my favorite tracks is Clapton singing and playing lead guitar on While My Guitar Gently Weeps on the Concert for George album. For Blues, many of his idols (e.g., Muddy Waters) are better, but he holds his own.
  9. Love the blues, too. And while some (including himself) would say that a white man can truly play the blues ... Clapton is God. Oh, and [OT] Guitar thread in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....
  10. Ah, yes, that sounds familiar ... like it happened in a dream ... $1M or so, right?
  11. :blink: I know that the offseason has lulled me into a bit of a sleep, but I don't think that I missed them re-signing Boyes. As far as I know, he's a free agent with no affiliation with the Sabres other than being on the mailing list for future alumni events.
  12. It seems that "bass guitar" and "electric bass" are both common and acceptable terms for the same instrument (hereafter, "EBG".) This has to do with the fact that it has as much in common (if not more) with with an electric guitar as it does with the double bass (a.k.a., upright bass). The four-string version (there are 4,5,6 and 7 string versions) is tuned the same as the double bass, which is denoted with the "bass" in the name. However, that is where the similarity seems to end. The double bass is an upright, fret-less, bowed instrument, while a guitar is a horizontal, fretted, plucked (with pick or fingers) instrument. The EBG is the latter. Its construction continues the line of tenor guitar, guitar and baritone guitar. It's hard to look at a Fender Jazz Bass or a Gibson EB-3 and not think guitar, since they are clearly derivatives of the Fender Telecaster and Gibson SG guitars. As for the number of strings, not all of the guitars in that line have exactly 6 strings (for example, the tenor guitar has four strings), and as mentioned, not all EBGs have four strings. By the way, Fender and Gibson (among others) use the term "bass guitar" on their websites. Rickenbacker uses simply "bass" on theirs.
  13. Probably easier than a guy who plays like it's a game of hot potato.
  14. Maybe he figured that Ennis would last longer that way. ;)
  15. Fear was the secret ingredient. ;) Mmmm ... cheeseburger plate, double home fries - well, no onions, lots of hot sauce ... load it with ketchup and dig in!
  16. I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why Galchenyuk wasn't centering Yakipov's line. Age? No. Health? No. Oh yeah, he's American! :doh:
  17. Technically, they do make the best and only garbage plates. It's trademarked. Others do make very good plates of similar composition, though. Some are arguably better than the original. Hard for me to say since most of my experience with the original came in the 1990's before Nick died.
  18. Exactly my thought. Here's a short list per 1 billion vehicle-km: United Kingdom: 5.7 Australia: 5.8 Germany: 7.2 Canada: 8.2 Denmark: 8.2 United States: 8.2 Spain: 11.7
  19. As for the Sabres not being able to get to Lucic, the three closest players to him (not including Miller) were all Sabres, and 4 out of the 5 closest were. See:
  20. Too be fair, it could just be an overreaction to the Sabres putting too little emphasis on that side for too long.
  21. Yeah, Darcy said on WGR that he talked to Joe about the injury prior to the trade.
  22. No, you don't. You have your guess based on your guess at the reason for his decline and your assumptions about his ability to adapt. Others have their guesses based on their guesses and assumptions. We'll see how it goes this coming season. You may be right or you may not be.
  23. I wish I could remember exactly, but it was on one of the WGR morning shows while I was working on my house for a week. I believe that it was on the Hockey Hotline, but it may have been Paul Hamilton doing the talking. There's a small chance that it was actually Darcy. Either way, it wasn't someone speculating or guessing, but someone who actually had talked with Leino about it. Sorry that I don't have a more precise source.
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