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    #42 Making Girls go Head over Heels in Buffalo since 2010

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  1. All, I know, I know. Yes I am reupping this year. The lotto pick "pulled me back in" (Pacino Impression). We currently have Row 1 of Section 315 and one of our seats is a "pinchy" narrow seat. Not great for your average hockey viewing male. This is due to being on the corner of the arena I believe. We have requested a relocation due to this seat. Does anyone know of any other pinchy/narrow seats in the first row of the 300s that i should avoid once the relo happens. Any info would be awesome! Thanks!
  2. Today Season Ticket holders can purchase up to 8 tickets for the Winter Classic in NYC. I was thinking of buying two and trying to resell them or if a friend was interested in going selling them at cost. But....then the prices. Cheapest seat is $119 and the most expensive $449!! Ahh no thanks went to the first, and I don't need another mortgage to go to a baseball field to watch hockey.
  3. Unless our craptacular team lulls them to sleep like they did with the Blackhawks and Islanders. That and us ending the BJ's hot streak that is what scares me. I have slept like shizit the last few nights. God this sucks. Please, please lose. I have shot all lined up if they take care of business tonight.
  4. Bizzaro Al Davis - "JUST LOSE BABY!"
  5. I think this clip relates well to this year's nightmare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VHKpGJX29s Let's come on in for the big win! End the nightmare tonight.
  6. Yep that whole heroic race to 8th and picking in the teens a few years back really got us far! I will be at home rooting for a loss. I just hope at the last home game this year this nightmare is locked up and we can cheer the players on to win the game! Go Yotes finish us off!
  7. Well my number has been called (mid 800s) and I can go online tomorrow and look at what tickets are available for season tickets. I have a question that maybe someone on the forum can answer. Can I opt out for this year and stay on the list? I have my reasons I realized when I signed up on the list 4 years ago that my opportunity would come when the team was at their best. Going to see what happens at 10 tomorrow then call the tix office.
  8. Sizzle I think the right just wants to blame the prez for everything and not put some of the blame on their own people in congress. There is a reason congress has an approval rating of less than 10%. I want to see some cooperation, Obama does not need to get rejected again so it should be no holds barred now. Everyone stop the ego on who's party is best and get to work!
  9. This isn't to you sizzle but to all people that think the US is lost. Stop buying everything made in China. Buy the name brand goods that are still made in America even if they cost a few dollars more. Look at buying a more fuel efficient vehicle to get us off foreign oil. . I am looking at a ford fusion hybrid that gets 47 mpg. For about the same price as a loaded sedan. Corporations start hiring people and stop trying to bleed your employees dry. I think we the people need to ask for term limits to congressmen. If someone has been unemployed for 2 years looking for that same job you had you may want to look at another profession. I just spent a year plus looking for an electrical engineer in my group. That should not happen with unemployment at 7+%. These are a few ideas I think we the people can do to keep rebuilding America. I want to see the president and congress come together if they can't then I blame both parties and then use we are in big doo doo.
  10. Especially if Congress can't get their heads out of their ######!!!
  11. I guess there is not enough angry old straight god fearing white men left in America?
  12. First Things First I am a Moderate through and through. I despise the ultra left and ultra right and i hate how these two factions rule our government and our airwaves. I love hearing my conservatives say this all the time. Can any name any examples other than the hot mics!? I remember Dan Quale being quite the screw up. Reagan had a great saying, "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?" My Answer: Yes, my wages have gone up. My benefits are still good, my line of work is in high demand. My health insurance has actually gotten cheaper. My tax returns have gone up year after year. So it may be hard for a voter like me to vote for the new guy. Especially the richest presidential candidate of all time (Romney has the wealth of the last 7 presidents combined). Yeah, I think he really speaks to the middle class! :lol: My view on the Unemployment: I am an electrical engineer in Rochester and have been looking for another qualified electrical engineer for the past year. The unemployment problem is due to a few problems, people are lazy, people are in a dreamland thinking their old job will come back, and we have made it to cushy for the unemployed (Blame that one on this current administration). Am I totally happy with Obama, no. Do I trust the uberwealthy guy that has made his bones, downsizing and outsourcing America, not really. When will the majority take a stand and unite as one to push a candidate (This year NONE OF THE ABOVE) that is out to look for the majority of America and not the two ends of the Bell curve. That would be a great time indeed. GO SABRES! GO BILLS! and God Bless America! Goodnight!
  13. Talk about a "Man my life sucks!" moment. The Zombie Feeding (i.e. Otis) saved that episode. I told the misses I think the crew has to worry more about Shane than the walkers. The one thing drives me nuts as they were gawking at the hung zombie (insert joke here)in my mind I am screaming this is when a walker will jump out and bite one of them, I do this every time the crew stops and chat. I think if I were them I would have already have a mental breakdown and to be responsible for kids in that world as a father I would be freaking out every second.
  14. is looking forward to the hockey season.

  15. 5 2 Trashers Empty Netter
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