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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. It sounds like the Sabres are looking for a hard-nosed coach. Which Sabre won't make the cut under this new regime.
  2. Their revenue has increased since the NY Times bought it, though it still loses money. That means high-priced "talent" has to go. If they get rid of deadwood like Tim Graham, that would be an improvement -- both in their coverage and their bottom line.
  3. Maybe if you subscribed you could have saved a few jobs. And read some decent stories.
  4. My wife and I used to order from Bocces on Bailey whenever we visited WNY. The last time my wife and I ordered Bocces we were disappointed. It was about four years ago, before my father-in-law died.
  5. You buy food at a NOCO store?
  6. As opposed to the past four Sabres head coaches?
  7. First five games last season? 1-4 First five games this season? 1-4 Gotta love their consistency.
  8. If Murray didn't want Nolan, he should have fired him when he became GM. Instead he left Nolan responsible for a big bag of stinking dog and now fired Nolan saying he didn't they were a 30th place team when everyone who pays attention to hockey knows that's exactly what Murray wanted.
  9. A totally classless move. And not the last classless move from that dick Murray, I'm sure.
  10. Christie v. Hillary. That's an interesting matchup. I haven't paid much attention to Christie until now, but he sounds like he's trying to court moderates. That will probably make the primary season a living hell for him, because that's when the rightest of the GOP's right wing makes the most noise and screams the loudest for their candidates (Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain). Hillary probably learned from Bill, so she will sound as centrist as possible. He started out leaning pretty far to the left, but quickly moved to the center after his health care trial balloons were trashed. Remember, he was instrumental in the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act -- a major piece of DE-regulationt. Glass-Steagall was the depression-era law that prohibited commercial banks from engaging in the investment business. Some will disagree with me, but that repeal helped cause the financial s**t storm of 2008. So if the next presidential election does turn out to be Christie v. Hillary, it will be fascinating to see which one can come across as the most extreme candidate (within their parties' parameters) while trying to gain as many "center" votes as possible.
  11. I voted for Obama twice (I also voted for George Bush Jr. twice -- much to my shame, but the Democrats couldn't find a decent candidate.). I think Obama will go down in history as a mediocre (at best) president. In my view, McCain's biggest shortcoming was saying yes to Palin. Some things are just too serious to ignore. Romney -- he encapsulated all the problems with the Republican party: Kowtowing to the radical right, an inability to connect with working class Americans and not realizing that the nation's demographics have changed. My guess is that while Obama is mediocre, either of his Republican opponents would have been even worse.
  12. Ian McEwan's "Sweet Tooth." Not bad. Not one of his best, but not bad.
  13. I have to agree. It's unlikely that Team Pegula will give Darcy the heave-ho (even though I pray every night that they do). I'd keep Vanek and trade Miller. The problem is convincing Vanek that this would be a quick rebuild and not a 16-year project.
  14. notwoz

    RIP Larry Felser

    I enjoyed his columns and reporting. RIP. And since I can't not be sarcastic, I noticed the Buffalo News link to the story of his passing didn't work. How typical.
  15. Something tells me they don't have to dive tonight. ;)
  16. Restrict your comments to the game, please. This is a game thread after all.
  17. Thanks. I am. The Pirates are winning. By the end of the season the Bucs will suck as badly (or as well, depending on your point of view) as the Sabres. But for tonight, I'm enjoying a game.
  18. Wow -- reading this makes me glad to be watching the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  19. Considering the earlier post quoting Darcy as saying teams sometimes have to endure 3-4 years in the schitter in order to be great, perhaps Vanek has already checked out. Can't say I blame him.
  20. I'm sitting here thinking the whole hockey world has to know that Miller and Vanek can't get out of Buffalo fast enough. That has to completely undermine Darcy's ability to get anything worthwhile in an offseason trade. I mean, what can Darcy get in return? A couple of draft choices? Some used, but clean, jock straps? I really, really, really hope that someone in upper management wakes up and realizes that Darcy is the problem, not the solution.
  21. I adopted a rescue dog a week ago. He's well-mannered, but absolutely hates even the sight of a hockey game on TV. He goes absolutely ballistic. Given the way the Sabres' season is shaking out, I guess it won't be much of a sacrifice to not watch hockey when the dog's around. Maybe I can figure out how to calm him down by the time next season starts.
  22. Just curious, but is the third period the new second period?
  23. Based on what I've seen so far, Rolston won't be back next season. But, hopefully, neither will Darcy.
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