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Everything posted by McJeff215

  1. Sens.. that's funny. My five year old always asks me who the guys in "the other color" are. When I tell her, it's "Go those guys!" The loser makes the ice cream cones in my house. No big deal. Sucks to watch 'em get their arses handed to them. I guess that's why the playoffs are best-of-seven. -Jeff
  2. Yeah, it's been pretty crappy for a while now. They've really laid an egg tonight.
  3. Speed seems to be off tonight. What feed does CI have tonight? I live in Atlanta so I've got Fox Sports South and man are they bad... what an annoying channel.
  4. What's with these ass announcers? He simply retaliated for being knocked into the net?
  5. WTF was that? Marty shoulda 3-ironed him down ice.
  6. Bah. 5-2. I think it's time for the broken streak.
  7. Back when it was 5-nochanceinhell, I told my wife that if they win, I'm going to get her some Dunkin Donuts. The closest Dunkin is like 15 miles away.
  8. :death: :death: :death: Our PP game has been weak as of late.
  9. I'm feelin' shoot-out tonight. It's been that kinda night.
  10. What a crappy PP. Finally!!!!
  11. I can't take this play by play duo much longer....
  12. What's with that horn? I didn't think that stuff was allowed during game play?
  13. Yes, it's quite bad. Feels like it's lagging. The volume is too quiet and the video is... weak. -Jeff
  14. It's lookedl ike that most of the game. It's irritating to see them get mad. As someone else said, it's almost like they're baffled that they're not able to do whatever they want to do.
  15. I don't think he is either.
  16. I was about ready to call it a night =) Sens and Thrashers still 1-1.
  17. Decided to finally register =) You can get full video highlights at http://www.nhl.com/scores/index.html. The "individual goal" section doesn't show the shootout, but the full reel does.
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