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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I think he just told us.
  2. A coach who has “fans” who are going to take banners to the arena and describe themselves as fanboys only proves my point. It was unbearable at the end and it’s going to be unbearable moving forward. The people cheering for the head coach and not the team will prove that to be the case.
  3. The oxygen is gone. The best we can all do is choke a horrible death.
  4. The cult will not relax. I’m not lying when I made the comparison to the Doug Flutie cult. In what other scenario does someone take a banner to a game for a head coach on a losing hockey team? And of the team wins Lindy gets a credit. And if the team loses it’s those loser players and that loser GM who are standing in the way of Lindy‘s glory. And it is all we will hear.
  5. The Lindy Ruff cult is just a poor man’s Doug Flutie cult. Same energy. We will get to hear from them like the once in a century circada swarm this summer. Only this will last until he’s fired +2 more years.
  6. 🖕 Pegula/Adams.
  7. Here is the home, throwback, and third jerseys. Make sure you buy your tickets now to cheer on the head coach! Here we go Lindy here we go clap clap! Ooo. Ahh. Lindy’s on the warpath!
  8. Are the only eligible people to coach for the Buffalo Sabres former players? does anyone or anything exist outside of Western New York?
  9. The list of coaches that people say they want is always the same few people every year (they’ve been mentioned 1000 times in this topic). I don’t really keep tabs on other teams, so I’m not a coaching authority, but I would say I have never heard of 50% of the current NHL coaches in the league. I’m certain there’s lots of qualified people out there that nobody has ever heard of, nor one that anyone mentions. I think the constant focus on just three or four high profile guys is really setting us up for disappointment.
  10. Oof. I just read this. 😕
  11. This is a pretty damning statement.
  12. I brought this up in the past, but I’ll drop it here again. Accountability is this amorphous term that people throw around that means something different in everyone’s head. No one ever defines what they think it means, what that actually looks like in practice, and how it would manifest itself in an exact situation that happened.
  13. Why would you hear this? Who is the person who’s going to divulge this to the media? Kyle? The player he’s talking to?
  14. If I was to give an information free guess, I could easily see the following situation. Granato being a development guy, may have been predisposed to a less coach-centric practice and relying on more player-centric. The best example I have of this would be analogous to the Boy Scouts. If you truly have a boy lead troop, it’s ugly. It’s inefficient. It is often unorganized. It drives adults nuts. But it is essential for the boys to do it themselves and figure it out if you want the boys to learn. Learning is best done by doing and not being told what to do. In youth soccer, this coaching philosophy is called guided discovery. This is just a wild ass guess on my part, but that mindset seems plausible to me.
  15. If a locker clean out interview is enough to change your mind then this suggests that maybe (most) fans don’t actually have enough information to make such decisions.
  16. If you want 20 games it was a 94 point pace. Would have made the playoffs this season.
  17. I have all the data in my front page chart. In the last 12 games they earned 19 points. That is 130 points over 82 games. So... not sure I agree there.
  18. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  19. First of all, that is a tweet from a place called 12ozsports.com. They reference having multiple sources, but none of them are named. There is nothing confirming this anywhere. Not even a hint of it.
  20. Alternative interpretation: Tuch is looking for a way to reduce the heat on his teammates. He can’t defend the people who aren’t actually on the team.
  21. Alternate scenario: Team finishes on a tear in 22-23 and falls one short point of being in the playoffs. All the talking heads and fans expect another step forward in 23-24. Seeing the continued good fortunes of the team and the players getting more experience, Adams recommends to Pegula that Granato gets extended. After all, it appears that it is coming together. However, the good fortunes stop at the start of 23-24. By the 20 game mark, maybe Adams is seeing warnings signs? However, the situation was bright just a couple months ago. He is a deliberate guy. Measure twice, cut once. Game 40 rolls around. Quinn hurt. Samuelsson hurt. Thompson hurt. Does he go to Pegula and say - never mind... fire Granato? Oof. That is a hard conversation. Maybe the convo was had? Maybe Terry wanted/needed to give him the season to straighten it out, since he just renegotiated his contract? Maybe the deal was that they would pivot to a better defensive team and then judge the results? Maybe Adams accepted a deal to change from Granato? Maybe actual human beings are working through this, without the benefit of hindsight, and it isn't just straight negligence because the fanbase has been perpetually mad? Life has more nuance than black and white interpretations.
  22. "Pest" is the only positive attribute that has been used to describe his current game. Everything else is conjecture/wishful thinking. The only question is whether people are willing to wait to see if there is a pony in the pile of manure. Might take four years to answer that.
  23. You don't have to be all-in or all-out. There is a middle ground.
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