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Everything posted by SDS

  1. http://www.outsidethegarden.com/boards/forums/forum-view.asp?fid=4 http://newyorkrangerscafe.com/forums/index.php?board/4-nyr-cafe/
  2. http://www.islandermania.com/ http://w11.zetaboards.com/IslanderCountry/index/
  3. http://www.tmlfans.ca/community/ ttp://www.leafsforever.ca/index.php
  4. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/gohabs/gohabs-message-board-f3/ http://forum.canadiens.com/index.php http://forums.habsworld.net/index.php
  5. https://hfboards.mandatory.com/forums/boston-bruins.15/ http://bruinsnation.proboards.com
  6. http://www.sensnetwork.com/sensforum/index.php?action=forum
  7. We can change the banner. I don't have time to do it personally right now, but I would accept ideas/submissions. Do you mean this one on the board or the ones on all the pages?
  8. SDS

    Logging In

    it could also be that your bookmark, or the way you are typing the url in may be different. sabrespace.com and www.sabrespace.com are not the same as far as the login credentials are concerned.
  9. SDS

    "Warn" message

    Just relax... everybody has it, you are just not allowed to see other people's status bars.
  10. go in your CP and change the setting.
  11. Nope - not her!
  12. yep... where did you go to high school?
  13. well, all I did was replace Willis with Thurman. That's not really new. My idea is to have fans in Sabre gear on the board banner and team stuff on the main page.
  14. please send me a screen shot of your posting page to: webmaster twobillsdrive.com
  15. except for Vanek is now playing with Danny and JP.
  16. At 1st I thought it was too bad the east didn't win because Danny would have been the MVP. I figured Nash would get it. I was stunned when they called Danny's name. Brian had a decent outing. I think he played not to do anything stupid. I was happy that Luongo didn't show up Miller.
  17. 1. You can have a fast paced game w/ no hitting. The YS game was a joke and an embarrassment. They don't have to get hurt, but I skate faster out there... If it is going to be that bad, don't televise it. 2. The camera work was effing terrible. What is the purpose of showing a net cam on the accuracy skill? The production people are complete morons. 3. Ryan was abused on that last shootout series. yuck. 4. No way Ovechkin skated a 15 second time...
  18. 1. That is just a post number indicator. X number of posts gets you to the next "level". 2. Not sure why that is happening. it could be a cookie thing. try clearing them and starting again.
  19. I said "20" to my wife, but then realized that was a bit greedy, so I scaled it back to "18"... :lol:
  20. Friggin' TiVo... Tried to record a Buffalo basketball game on a channel I don't even get... I missed the 1st 10 minutes (the first of the season for me) and then it only recorded to the end of the 2:30 time slot. I missed the last 2:30, OT, and the SO. :wallbash: Looking at the recap: WTF did Max get 2nd star for? :unsure: thanks for including me in there. I play a small role compared to the others, but your acknowledgement is appreciated. :)
  21. wow - that one had me on the edge of my seat! That last 5 minutes was unreal.
  22. Got it... white guy in dark sweatshirt. We'll look for you!
  23. will you be the guy in the Sabres jersey?
  24. I'll pass... He never struck me as a hockey guy. ;)
  25. It doesn't matter how fast you skate if you make mistakes while doing it and you fail to put the puck in the net. On the whole, we outplayed them, but their breaks went in and ours didn't. That game could have been a blow out either way depending how the rubber bounced.
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