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Everything posted by SDS

  1. SDS


    A few people have this problem and I don't know why.
  2. http://forums.sabrespace.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=displayname
  3. Not that there is anything wrong with that... :)
  4. I have already recruited someone to make changes...
  5. SDS

    New Banner Ad

    I believe I fixed that. Are you good?
  6. bump.
  7. Wonder what his calves are like?
  8. hey, where have you been hiding?
  9. My lower back started hurting last October. It really stresses me out. I have some mild disc protrusions that occasionally press against my spinal chord. Now I have to put all kinds of pillows under my legs, etc... when I sleep. :(
  10. just reload the page with an F5.
  11. You know, this is what totally goes over the head's of these people. Apple consumers tend to be happy with their choices and it's their money, so why are certain people trying to pee on my shoes?
  12. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: Dude, you should work for NSA. That was genius.... (although missin' an "n" I suppose")
  13. I have shifted from ink blots to Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind...
  14. This is like an ink blot test...
  15. My mind is as bad as it gets and I can't figure out what else it could possibly say (other than what you meant).
  16. I was just going to post that. :thumbsup:
  17. the argument is silly. No one is complaining about good cops and no one likes the bad ones. Y'all agree on the same things but are choosing to argue different, singular points. with that - this thread is closed for 6 more days!
  18. How about people who walk by your cube and use your garbage can as a public can? Geez, take your trash to your own place - don't be chucking things in my cube while I'm working. :angry:
  19. you mean like this:
  20. Good point, considering the number of posts per page is user configurable...
  21. click on the image...
  22. 15 minute head start...
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