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Everything posted by SDS

  1. What rebound was Roy going to pick up? :unsure: He was in no position to pickup any rebound.
  2. I chalk that up to being pre-conditioned to criticize Vanek whenever he passes and for fan's predilection for saying you should have done the opposite when something didn't work. He had no momentum. He got spun around. He's flat-footed and he makes a backdoor pass. I'm not going to complain. The defenseman did a good job of at least interrupting the flow of the play.
  3. You guys are just upset that we lost. That was a great backdoor pass for a tap in. There is a difference between pulling up and seeing a great play develop in front of you. He saw the play and Roy missed it.
  4. The only thing wrong with Vanek's pass was that Roy missed. Roy had a wide open net...
  5. In a way, you've made it relevant. It's one thing to make an observation. Maybe even the same observation twice. It's another to harp on a subject of which you choose not to become a part of the solution. Complaining that other people who make the trip aren't loud enough, especially to the virtual faces of those who are going, is rather bush IMO.
  6. such as?
  7. Just this year my sister came down with breast cancer, my uncle with prostate cancer, my mother was just diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks ago, and on Monday my wife's two aunts were trucked over by a landscaping truck in PA. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/25354606/detail.html I win? :thumbdown:
  8. unless it is union, not necessarily. They could be shedding salary...
  9. Yes I did. and did I mention he got suspended the week of the playoffs and I lost by one point?
  10. Ok, I'm out. If I computer draft, so be it. It's not like I know anyone on the other teams. :lol:
  11. I traded Roy to Vanek-Man for OV. Make sure you get that.
  12. The computer drafting started, but it hung when it gave DeLuca Timmy C. because it was laughing so hard.
  13. that was my thought. Yahoo figured we were a bunch of mind-changing chicks and locked us out.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSYlxzCHvKg nobody is the guy in uniform... :)
  15. let's hope the auto-draft works well. :thumbsup:
  16. I'll play again.
  17. I've played 4 games in 5 days... :)
  18. I have been fortunate enough to spend the ast month (sans last week) with a top notch placement management company. If you want to talk about job searching - I would be happy to help you and share the resources I have been given. I was skeptical at 1st because "I know what to do", but it has been tremendously helpful and everyone can benefit from their techniques. I'm guessing either Orion or the Big Dipper. Options are good! Talk with lawyers and see what they love/hate about their jobs. Take the Birkman quiz http://www.birkman.com/ and take note of the areas you gravitate towards...
  19. haven't gotten one of those yet. It has only been officially 2 weeks for me and the vacation was paid for long ago.
  20. they visit almost daily...
  21. haha... I'll check with my better half on that one. :thumbsup:
  22. Emerald Isle, NC baby... May there always be sand in your shoes.
  23. I'm officially a Free Agent today, but I'm not expecting any offers at 12:00p. :angry:
  24. Slacker. I checked that off my list last week!
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