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Everything posted by SDS

  1. That would be decent..,l
  2. Does he have a number yet? All three of my teams (Bills/Sabres/Orioles) have/had a player named Scott on them. Weird.
  3. Bob Seger just called... He just said, "Turn the Friggin' Page" already....
  4. I'd be divorced if my wife was sick and woke up to an empty house...
  5. Dad??? :unsure:
  6. I'm not even sure "Let us go Sabres" makes any sense anyway...
  7. Yikes. That's really odd considering no one is in the office today. Did the day's slowness set someone off?
  8. In other words, you are going with my advice...
  9. Just curious, who do you think works at those hotels when he takes those trips? What about the restaurants he visits? Who does the work on his bathroom? Who supplies the material? Because it sounds like they are also on the short end of this.
  10. You could pass the time by continually rereading biodork's last post... :angel:
  11. Wow. That was kinda hot...
  12. When did tires become black gold? An awesome tire 5 years ago used to be ~$100. Now they are $200+. So, I get a new pair of tires to replace the near bald ones on my front, plus an alignment for $510. On the way to pick up the car, 1/4 mile from Mr. Tire, my wife hits a 5" deep pothole and blows out her tire on her Volvo S60. Side wall cut. That one runs $300. For one friggin' tire... a tire that Mr. Tire doesn't have in stock and doesn't know if they can get tomorrow. On the way home, my daughter calls and tells us our son is throwing up. We get home and apparently he ate a bad banana. define hachet... a hammer? keys? a real hachet?
  13. hello...
  14. So, this place seems pretty awesome. Ordered two 3" wide ties and at $15 each they are pretty awesome. They are well thought of throughout the internet forums. I just ordered another tie, 4 pockets squares ($5 each) and a 1" tie bar ($15). No need to wait for sales or pay more than $20 per tie. Shipping is a flat rate $6. https://www.thetiebar.com/
  15. Probably because her offspring is was a psycho... So now, the mother was shot at home, is not a teacher, the father is alive, and Ryan is not the shooter. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/connecticut-shooter-adam-lanza/story?id=17975673#.UMvIKo5vNC8 Well done press, well done. :thumbdown:
  16. SDS

    XM vs. Sirius?

    For me, I couldn't care less...
  17. If you find "evil" to be more satisfying than "crazy" I suppose that is your choice. I'm not necessarily sure how you separate the two.
  18. I believe that for almost anywhere. I think school choice matters more in the quality of classmates/people and extra-curricular stuff.
  19. That was soooo 20 seconds ago.
  20. So it sounds like he killed his father and then went and killed his mother in school. Clearly, that will lead into all sorts of theories.
  21. Because most likely the individual was clinically "crazy". When your mind is effed up there is no motive, nor reason, that a traditionally sound mind would find understandable.
  22. Aside question: Would you classify RIT as awesome? I went to UR, so I have my biases. :nana: My nephew interviewed at both places yesterday. It has been hard to talk up RIT for obvious reasons. :)
  23. What happened to your chick car?
  24. We move our elf (which we have had for a long time) each night, but we do not stage the scenes that others are doing. It seems as though they have missed the entire point of it.
  25. I've used TomTom for nav, but I used google for just getting a map. I haven't had any issues with Apple's map app. I guess I'm just lucky. This poster. ^^^^^
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