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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Nah. It's settled. The only ones who won't change are the ones who don't know about it and the ones who just won't change regardless. I don't know what this means but I'm getting a screen capture of it anyway. :nana:
  2. I knew the answer without googling because I googled the reason just last week. :nana: Knowledge comes from somewhere... I previoulsy read an entire article on Slate about it. Knowing that's how I roll, I'm sure chz and bio want to party with me now. If you trust Slate, the research behind their articles and their reference that all style guides say single space.
  3. That's because your typewriter used a monospaced font instead of proportional. The double space is no longer needed and is considered wrong.
  4. Funny, we were saying the same thing about you two!
  5. Look at all that hardware. I can only imagine what your red room looks like.
  6. Choose file. Attach file. Add to post.
  7. KtD said he'd do a shooter at the drop of a hat. :) From my iPad.
  8. :lol: better than toasting mom I suppose.
  9. select "More reply options". Upload the file, then click Add to Post.
  10. I figured Kelly the Dog would do it, but the birthday girl beat him to it.
  11. Happy Birthday! Hope it's the cheesiest!
  12. Probably one of my greatest pet peeves... fans who want to micromanage the words of a professional athlete. They aren't public speakers and many times not all that bright either (although I think Stafford is probably pretty smart). They aren't puppets and they aren't robots. Just let 'em talk and take it all with a grain of salt.
  13. Thanks, I think...
  14. What????
  15. Those are some pasty white balls.
  16. So, did you two introduce yourselves or did you high tail it out of there?
  17. ain't no way Hartnell has 2-3" on Drew.
  18. SDS

    Derek Roy Tracker

    For those who want to track what a former "core" member is up to... for those who don't - move along, nothing of interest here. Game 1: Roy is the face off king. It seems he took 80% of the draws and went 17/23 over 22 shifts and ~22 min on ice.
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