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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Him and Eve made a nice couple...
  2. I'm smelling cup! and not that kind!
  3. I'm more of a Veronica guy... but, hey whatever floats your boat!
  4. You bought the jersey of a player whose nickname is "Tunnel of Death"? yikes!
  5. Plays for the Caps. That's all I got.
  6. Has it been 5 minutes already?
  7. Paging PETA...
  8. "With my head in my hands, I sit and cry..."
  9. I'm confused as to why people think that because he was able to play soon after the incident, that he wasn't in pain at the time. How does one exclude the other? I took a slap shot last summer to my ankle on the 1st shift that felt like my ankle was shattered. I was in a ton of pain, but adrenaline took over and I finished the game. I could barely walk for weeks afterwards. My ankle was swollen like a balloon and I have the pics to prove it. Other times I have smacked my head on the ice and I figured I was surely dead, but injury didn't occur and I was also able to continue soon after the pain subsided. How is this so uncommon?
  10. I guess that depends on what you think what is more important - the wins or the entertainment. Personally, I would turn the TV off if I had to watch people getting Kaleta'd every game. I just don't want to see it and the wins don't necessarily justify the means.
  11. Ever so gently? WTF is that? Might as well say he gave him butterfly kisses on his tramp stamp.
  12. Yes, Brad Richards flung his head and neck into the bottom of the boards. Good call. Completely believable.
  13. You can't tell me they don't look like different team without Ruff.
  14. I just don't want a guy like that on my team.
  15. Nice pic of JP burying the SO goal on the front page.... http://www.sabrespace.com
  16. And you wanted to use this year's 1st rounder, which could be our highest pick since Vanek, to get this guy? You really hate Darcy for this?
  17. Hyperbole rarely makes an effective point.
  18. These do happen in every hockey game you know.
  19. That was probably mid-game. Zack is getting jerked around from line to line and from wing to wing (yes, he has been played on the left side.) All of those roles on lines 1-4 are different.
  20. That's a really cute dog. Who wouldn't love that little guy?
  21. I hope a law is passed that prevents any team for employing any coach longer than 5.
  22. Ruffles? Ha! Never thought about that one.
  23. Hopefully that idea will be back-burnered for about 10 years and then we can revisit our emotions then.
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