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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Ooohhh... nice and snarky. Let's see. Create asinine straw men based upon nothing that I actually said or insinuated, proceed to knock down asinine straw men, then finish with a snarky, non-sensical comment based upon those same asinine straw men. Well done. Ya got me Einistein.
  2. I'm sorry you can't understand the point. Please carry on...
  3. Nah. I don't know what the PC way to say it is, but quite frankly, I'm not sure people understand the law of cause and effect.
  4. Assuming you were talking to me, I'm not sure how you would come to that conclusion. If I take a leak in the middle of the carpet, I don't freak out that the carpet is suddenly wet. Likewise, I don't get pissed off that my 4'4" son can't dunk a basketball. It is called expectations. We had a bad team that sold off talent, are for all intent and purposes eliminated from contention and yet some people are reacting as if they should be beating a top team. How is that logical?
  5. No offense guys and gals, but I'm finding most of the game day commentary to be straight from bizarro world. The team sold current assets and bought future ones. Did you expect the team to play better for the rest of the season? How does one get upset when the expected actually happens? It doesn't make a lick of sense.
  6. Agreed. Complete buzzkill.
  7. I'm a 3rd liner grinder on that team. I'll take my 3 points with ######-eating grin any day of the week....
  8. http://www.pointstreak.com/players/players-boxscore.html?gameid=2169971
  9. No push. Correlation does not equal causation. No one could ever make an argument with a straight face that the Sabres' troubles are tied to Kennedy's departure. Kennedy ruined the slim chance he had a career. He's played 27 NHL games since he was sent packing.
  10. No. The better they do, the worst the picks are.
  11. We have their draft picks. They should lose every game for the next 13 months.
  12. Why are you routing for the Wild?
  13. Actually, a puppy dies somewhere out in the puppy-verse - not at my hands. I'm just the messenger.
  14. Every time the Sabres earn a point - a puppy dies.
  15. How quaint that seems these days...
  16. How ya been? I been watching Big Bang Theory and you always come to mind with the whole geeky scientist thing...
  17. You're almost caught up. Did you know we traded Jason Pominville?
  18. Did you mean to write "mediocrity"?
  19. The end of times is near...
  20. Technically, they aren't right now. ;)
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