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Everything posted by SDS

  1. We are just talking here. Nothing has been implemented.
  2. What version of IE? And why not use another browser?
  3. This can't be shouted from the rooftops enough. You would think that posters would want people to open their topics they spent time on. Poor, uninformative subject lines are like writing a novel and calling it "Book" and slapping a brown cover on it.
  4. We would blow his toupee off.
  5. Newest one there is July 2013. Maybe I just don't have the memory that some of you do. I never think of old threads to bring them up.
  6. Only because it is so tired to see him there year after year.
  7. I'll add to those who say it was nice for Ekblad to go first because it is nice to know we got our top forward. One that they settled on months ago. Now we will see how GMTM evaluated...
  8. Staying on topic is more of a courtesy to the OP and the rest of the readers. It doesn't need to be regimented, but it shouldn't be all that difficult either. It's not like new ones can't be created or old ones bumped.
  9. You expect Buffalo to refrain from booing him despite No Goal? Pfffft....
  10. Well, I think more traffic adds to a livelier discussion, but that's just about it. Personally, I'm a headline scanner in the news and on boards. I never know what is being discussed on here specifically and I assume I'm not the only one. The kids and my commute have crushed so much of my free time. Your 2nd point is well taken. Chz is queen in my book, but a change in culture would need a much larger presence by many more people.
  11. You don't think that contract is a little heavy? Personally, I'd rather take the chance on anyone 12 and above being better than where Myers is now.
  12. That's actually helpful. Thanks man. The consolidated threads were in response to too many threads created on the same topic, but it was also a funky time. You can't have the same coach, same GM, same core and not generate the same stuff over and over again. Plus, once the anger set in - every thread turned into a diatribe against someone in that group. Hopefully with slate mostly washed clean and a shiny new toy the diversity can flourish again. I'm just looking for a focused discussion.
  13. I don't think so. Bettman gets it the worst by far, regardless of venue. I don't think I have ever heard Goodell get booed at the draft or at the Super Bowl.
  14. If you have thoughts regarding the topic at hand, I would like to read them. Thanks.
  15. Why can't it be in great shape and not have boos? It isn't either or...
  16. If you have thoughts regarding the topic at hand, I would like to read them. Thanks.
  17. and this is my point. There was no reason for any of this in here under this topic.
  18. Is it because the first discussion took place in a thread that had a title that wasn't applicable to that discussion?
  19. I'm sick and tired of this guy ruining every single Cup ceremony and every single draft. Why can't the league send out someone who doesn't have boos rained down upon them for the last 15 years? The moments when the spotlight is the brightest on the NHL should be a time of rejoicing, not constant reminders of the hatred for this guy. And I don't buy that he's the only guy that can make the NHL money.
  20. That's fine. I get that there are some esoteric posts that don't deserve an entire discussion, but many do and people should be free to break them out to call attention to them.
  21. I've read a few complaints about the creation of threads, etc... So, I figured I would start a discussion here. Here are my thoughts: You'll never please everyone, but we have too few threads IMO. There is a huge problem though: Many posters here refuse to stay on topic. That causes multiple discussions on the same topic in multiple threads and people get aggravated with that. Staying on topic requires discipline and restraint. If there are only 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon then there are only 2 or 3 from any one topic in the NHL to another. If we could agree to stay on topic then this would be a much more user-friendly place to visit. Subject lines should be descriptive and not generic."Tim Murray" is an awful subject. "I love Tim Murray's no non-sense style" is much better. We can have multiple Tim Murray threads as long as they talk about distinctly different aspects of the man. The question is - can we stay on topic? Can we avoid the tangents? Can we start a new thread when a tangent should be discussed? No one should ever look in a 2014 NHL Draft thread to find information on Tyler Myers development for instance. Everyone should have a reasonable expectation that of they scan the board they can see what is being discussed today given the subject lines. That's my two cents. We don't need duplicates threads, but distinct threads directed a specific topics that stay on topic should be the goal. Agree? Disagree?
  22. Tyler Myers was the #12 pick. Has he increased his value since then or has it decreased? I say his value today is no longer as high as his original pick. His body of work doesn't suggest he should have been picked higher.
  23. Ha. I've always felt this was the pick, but wondered if the silence on Bennett was a ploy. Thank you GMTM for not ###### around.
  24. Vancouver has always coveted our misutilized, physical players... :w00t:
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