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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I think there is a question for you in there.
  2. Sweet. Didn't think there was enough snow this year to do anything.
  3. SDS

    Post merging

    It could, but I'm not sure this would help.
  4. When stuff like this happens, please post a screen shot. I don't control the ad content. Probably a mistake.
  5. that's the one! How is my favorite dork doing?
  6. Send me a PM with the email address and I will look it up.
  7. SDS

    Using FB login

    I know I had issues with FB when we first implemented it. Perhaps the code has been fixed?
  8. You should see it as a sub forum right in the Aud Club (by NHL Message Boards).
  9. Listed above. Looking for feedback. Could be just a fun thing or could ultimately be a nice NHL/Sabres/Hockey resource.
  10. For those having issues still, try a browser you never use. If it clears up - it is the cache in your regular browser. If not, then your ISP maybe caching some code. The fact that most people are being served everything correctly now should mean I have done everything I can on my end.
  11. That is someone's cache. Those images are no longer in that directory. The fact that you are getting that means you are trying to display old code.
  12. It's all about the cache baby.
  13. Ok, at least I have an idea what you are looking at. Try this: http://m.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache-on-an-Android
  14. Although I appreciate that you are letting me know things aren't back to normal, I really need more information to offer anything meaningful. Exact descriptions (screenshots are best) of the problem are necessary. For the desktop, I assume you should clear your cache.
  15. Alright. Seems like something was accomplished this morning then.
  16. Please try over at TSW and see if that is fixed. I just went through the same series of template and CSS rebuilding as well as clearing cache etc. Main board?
  17. From iphone.
  18. I think clearing browser cache clears everything up.
  19. Try toggling themes. Bottom left hand corner. Go to IP.Board theme. Read, post, then go back...
  20. Not an overly helpful comment. This is posted via iPad air. Worked fine for me on iPad air.
  21. logos restored. It was 3am and I know there are some finishing touches that need to be ported over, but I ran out of gas. Not sure what you are saying.
  22. Forum was upgraded to the latest stable version of the software. It was also moved to the new server. Shouldn't be a whole lot of difference on the reader end, but you'll see minor differences from time to time. I'm hoping it runs pretty smoothly from here on out.
  23. I would love to publish such a collection if someone was to put it together...
  24. And yet the only reason that tidbit is even remotely interesting is that they had the talent and therefore were capable of going much farther. Take away the top shelf talent and a second round exit is to be expected, with no hope of going any further.
  25. Has to be the Derek Roy sausage grab.
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