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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Yes images. Then they are used on every header.
  2. It is a fun font for fun people.
  3. Seems like something I could work with. I made the royal just to get something appropriate. Now I'm scratching my noodle wondering how to make this work out for the greater good.
  4. Not sure if you saw, but that skin comes with a background picker. Check out paint brush icon on top of the skin.
  5. Figured I got rid of my Members Only jacket and parachute pants. Might as well bring this place up to snuff.
  6. Give him time to execute the plan...
  7. Carolina grabs 2 points. Arizona with 1. Edmonton looks to grab at least one...
  8. $13. Saves a ton of time. I made it visible if you want to look at it. It's called Glare. Been playing with it. Started very clean. Adding blue and yellow sort of disrupts that, but still much better base than I started with the IPB default skin. Have to figure out how to make that header work or scrap it all together.
  9. I just bought that other skin. I'm going to play with that before going further.
  10. Nope. Clear the cache is my mantra.
  11. It's just a light coating though that holds the grains together. The volume on those ingredients can't be much.
  12. I'm allergic to almonds. Can't eat those. The others are delicious though.
  13. ah. I did the former and not the latter and didn't have time to sort it out. I was looking for a 30 sec flyby.
  14. I like this theme: http://ipsthemes.com/demos/?category=ipb-themes&product=glare-ipb3 I'm wondering how I would modify it for our use... It has the grey background I thought was good.
  15. Best Answer
  16. The friggin' most delicious "healthy" bar you could ever eat: http://www.kindsnacks.com/store/types/healthy-grains-bars/dark-chocolate-chunk.html I get them at Target.
  17. I was trying to get the poster side panel completely light grey and it wasn't a quick edit, so I changed it back.
  18. I thought about that last night while trying to get to sleep. I just renamed the tab, but realized it wasn't just a single link. I'm going to change it.
  19. Considered it. The red eye in the buffalo is pretty nondescript.
  20. It's just a stylized web font. I thought it hit the right note on the double entendre.
  21. Cache expires... so that's unknown.
  22. Eh. Trying to make it cleaner and I changed my mind.
  23. So, I think the global Penalty Box is too much and I will probably change it on TBD unless I can make it off by default and allow individuals to turn it on under "my prefs". I will look into it. I don;'t think I should be requiring people to turn off the function. Opt-in.. Right Doug Marrone? You can chat on the tab or click the window icon where it says Penalty Box and the window will float.
  24. Ok, it is up and running I believe. Knock yourselves out. Look at the menu bar if you are unfamiliar. Also, accepting possible re-naming suggestions...
  25. If you go to My Prefs - you can choose not to display the Global Shout Box. I don't have that enabled for me. I assumed you meant the floating window. Having it on all the time seems excessive, but that's just me.
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