For SEO purposes, please spell the first and last names, correctly and in full, with a little supporting text like "Buffalo Sabres Center Zemgus Girgensons"... Do this every time.
Thanks. :thumbsup: ;)
watch your hand there buddy...
Many people here wondered if he had gone too far in roster improvements going into the season to finish last. We only finished last by two points which is well within the noise of in season luck/variability.
So yes, Arizona win all in to also finish last but ultimately the Sabres couldn't pass them either.
I agree with others that when the trade deadline approached Murray evaluated the landscape and the only course of action was to sell off the remaining pieces and only keep what was necessary.
But he was probably wordsmithing in that maybe he didn't see them as being 30th but maybe he saw them as being 28th which is really splitting hairs I guess.
I guess they do this every year. The 2012 draft is interesting.
In March of 2013 they moved Grigs up to 6 and Girgs down to 18. Doubt that would be seen the same way today. ;)
Why do you think it is hyperbole? It is what Buffalo does. Fans get up and arms about the pennies and lose sight of the dollars. Saw a game a couple years back when my 25 year old STH nephew posts on facebook while at the game that he hopes to never to see Matt Ellis in a Sabres uniform again. Matt Ellis. When Matt Ellis is a problem on your team then you have no real problems. The board melted down when Tim Kennedy wasn't re-signed. Tim Kennedy is a pimple on the ass of Buffalo Sabres history. It's all overreaction.
The players dealt today were insignificant in the grand scheme of things as well as any missed opportunities in returns. A second in 2017 will probably be flipped next year and you'll get your return. The cards didn't fall exactly our way this time. Big deal. The franchise is moving forward on a grander path than the year in which we get a second round pick.