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Everything posted by SDS

  1. You could consider this a fantasy hockey draft that was a keeper league. But you're not concerned with scoring the most fantasy points per se but how that player with fits in to your overall team.
  2. The Rangers have been mounted…
  3. Please don't exclude this years draft. The rules were for all NHL eligible players. It specifically includes McDavid and Eichel. I think the correct way to look at this is that all 30 teams will be drafting just like a regular draft.
  4. If I don't go McDavid to get his entire career then it would certainly be someone in their early 20s so that I got the majority of it. Taking a guy with concussion problems drafted 10 years ago? I don't think so.
  5. Really? You would draft Sidney Crosby today over every other player in the NHL?
  6. Tear up all the contracts and throw every NHL eligible hockey player into the pool. What are your top 10? Topic courtesy of Mike Schopp.
  7. Yep! :) Yep! :) Jesus, we had the same bracket except Van and Montreal.
  8. The More the Merrier
  9. You forgot the part where she reached down and grabbed your package.
  10. It's all pipes! Has anyone actually seen them together in the same room? Ew...
  11. Buffalo Slewfoot (Seattle Slew) Smarty Regier (Smarty Jones) FNC Silence (Sunday Silence) Save a Buck (Spend a Buck won in 1985) Strike the Blue and Gold (Strike the Gold)
  12. Competer McNabb's the Lead
  13. Very disappointed I missed Filly Leino
  14. Icing on the tank
  15. By a Folignose Doesn't Playfair Adam Mare
  16. Saddle of Ethron
  17. Ruffrider I Win Again Off
  18. It's great that we can have two discussions - one about Terry's drunken spending spree with the Bills and one about the impending closing of the vault. Two boots kicking opposite sides of the head. As Dori would say in Finding Nemo... "Just keep kicking, just keep kicking..."
  19. "They are the only team to refuse to answer questions about the coming offseason." Is just as bad. They refused to hold a press conference, not answer questions. well, since they didn't have a PC, there was nothing to write about. Thus, the anger.
  20. To what end? Shall I also the detail the orange growing season in CA and compare that to raising chickens in Arkansas? If the two scenarios are completely uncorrelated why would anyone attempt such folly? Regardless, my posts were addressing the original suggestion that the two were linked. Much like the suggestion that Lindy and pedophilia were linked by the same person.
  21. Are you asking me to explain to you the differences between football and hockey? Between a group of 50 football players and a separate group of 20 hockey players? Between one set of coaches in football and one set of coaches in hockey? Nevermind. They are exactly the same. Expect the same exact results. The correlation and subsequent inevitability of events are crystal clear. :doh:
  22. Stand your ground. The original post was nonsensical, meaningless comparison that looks nice on a message board, but has no bearing on the future of the Bills. Might as well compare a yellow sun and a yellow lemon and imply your garden will grow with 15 hours of exposure to a basket of lemons.
  23. This one got a good laugh from me.
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