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Everything posted by SDS

  1. They will NOT get 10,000 males to shout the phrase "Over the hill went the swords of a thousand men..." They just won't. Ever.
  2. Too cloudy here in MD. Only saw it for a minute and even then that was sort of obscured.
  3. I guess it is destiny... Like I'm wrong...
  4. You mean smoking the cigars of a 1000 men is sometimes not a euphemism.
  5. The difference is in Chicago they only chant the phonetic gibberish at the beginning of the song. They aren't belting out odes to trouser snakes. I guess I'm one not to deliberately take a fork and jam it into my own eye.
  6. If the penis thing survives the committee vote it will get crushed by the masses and ridiculed ENDLESSLY by NHL fans around the country.
  7. Report those. I would regard those as inappropriate.
  8. This was probably not the way to go about it for many reasons. Pre-selecting the song list only invites harsh criticism. Musical tastes vary too greatly to get a majority of the fans behind this sort of selection process. Chelsea Dagger is regarded as the top celebration song, yet the Chicago fans rejected it at first. That is what is going to happen here. Any song is going to be rejected at first, regardless of how good or bad a choice it may be. If fan input was necessary, then just have an email address where they can submit their suggestions. Then you need to trust someone enough to comb through those suggestions and pursue every other avenue to select one that meets all the predefined criteria. Then you cross your fingers that the person you trusted to get it right - got it right.
  9. I think you mean "Better Days"... :nana:
  10. If ruining a hockey team means acquiring Kane, O'Reilly, Eichel, etc... then I hope they this team into the ground. I've never been more hopeful about the future. and who references a quote and doesn't provide it? Weak sauce. Leaves me hanging like the Swords of a Thousand Men.
  11. I can't get past the whole "Tummy Sticks" association on this one. Might as well sell t-shirts in the Sabres store that have "Kick me" printed on the back.
  12. Bucket list.
  13. Have you seen The Terminator?
  14. Psssh... the sheets get smoothed FOR me, not BY me. :flirt:
  15. 5 years varsity wrestling. NEVER pinned once. Not in a match... not in practice. Not by anyone in my own weight class... not by anyone 2, 3, 4+ weight classes above me. You'd have better luck seeing Big Foot than to see my shoulder blades on the mat. :nana:
  16. Using the mobile theme I am not having those issues. I updated to the iOS 9 today and the board seems to be working as expected. Probably the only issue I am seeing is that the board appears long and skinny for a brief second before it fills the screen.
  17. Eh, if it isn't self-evident then it would require far too much energy to explain.
  18. Well, the entry starts with "In feminist theory..." So, I don't know... you could start there and see what happens.
  19. Me thinks you didn't even to bother to read your posted entry.
  20. It appeared to me to be a heavily delayed repackaging of another article that was shared through social media a week or two ago.
  21. Seemed to be a poor woman's repackaging of the article by the Chicago guy that came out when this all started.
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