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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Sorry for those I haven't contacted. I accidentally blocked my own IP address from home setting up a new machine. I've just been posting the occasional post from my phone, but I'm just getting back to this now.
  2. Badge of honor or badge of shame?
  3. Even Brunswick shows the speed of my ball...
  4. The Americans
  5. This is the type of sarcastic, petty, childish that none of us deserve. If you or anyone else decides this is the relationship you want to have with the volunteers here then please move on. Life is too short to have to endure the snide remarks of a man-child. Again, I appreciate the community members here that don't insist that the world owes them an existence where everything operates according to their own personal preferences. Thank you for making this place a wonderful place to visit. I sincerely owe all of you many thanks and beers. If we ever meet up I assure you the tab is on me. My request is for the conversation to continue regarding the Sabres and other topics of interest, as I am not interested in these exchanges anymore.
  6. The volunteer moderators, who have full, active lives outside of their participation in this community, perform moderator actions based upon their best judgment at the time. It is no more complicated than that. If you need further detail, it will not be forthcoming. Every moderator, past and present, Sabrespace or The Stadium Wall, has/had one goal - to improve the community discussion. Regardless of execution or judgment, every moderator seeks to do what they think is right at the time. That is the intent regardless of anyone else's opinion on their actions. We are not running the Manhattan Project here. World peace is not at stake. We appreciate the community members who understand this and just come to talk about the Sabres and leave the drama to facebook. In summary, 1. The volunteer moderators do what they think is best for the community. They are charitable with their time and energy and should be respected as such. 2. If the worse thing that happens to you today is that your thread was locked on a Buffalo Sabres fan board by someone trying to improve the community discussion - you have had an outstanding ###### day. Rejoice and pray for many more.
  7. I tend to agree with this. There are two areas I avoid bringing into any online conversation - religion and and other people's kids. Plenty of other ways to express one's opinion.
  8. Ha. You've never witnessed a competitive youth soccer game then. Bloodsport.
  9. haha. I watched TESB last night with the kids.
  10. This used to be user-configurable but the option was removed by the developer at some point. There has to be a balance between desktop and mobile users. I'm actually leaning towards the needs of mobile users and will probably change both forums to be the same at either 20 or 30 per page.
  11. I hadn't realized I had one set at 20 posts and the other at 40.
  12. This is one of the big downsides to these mega-threads. When the discussion goes of topic - the thread doesn't just die off. Everyone is forced to endure the side chatter with no recourse. I grow to hate these things more every day.
  13. and if you want to know what I look like - I'm the guy sitting next to the coach on the other side of the field with the gray sweat pants on. Handsome devil - aren't I?
  14. Yeah, this game was 9v9 on an 8v8 field. US Soccer is mandating 9v9 at the U11 and U12 age groups, but virtually no one in the country has fields those dimensions. 7v7/8v8 generally just use half an 11v11 field and play cross-field.
  15. A short clip of my 10 year old, soon to be 11, daughter. She is the one who makes the overlapping run down the near sideline. What amazing ball movement for 10 year old girls. It's a shame our forward didn't check-in to finish/continue the play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8GhHqgAQS4&t=3m30s
  16. Certainly not a lazy player, but those wrist shots are lazy as hell. Third Pens goal was on a sharp-angle lazy wrister that went around the boards and out. Terrible decision.
  17. Anyone not using theirs?
  18. PS4 quality is lackluster. Fairly disappointed. The NHL app literally disappeared off my bluray player when I tried to launch it. Now instead of saving money over center ice - I have to spend some cash on some hardware unless I want hook up my laptop all the time.
  19. Descriptive topic titles are an asset to our community. It helps community members recognize which conversations they might want to read or participate in. Please refrain from using generic topic titles, including player name only titles. If you can take the time to start a conversation, you can take a moment and properly label it. The original poster can edit the title. Thanks for making SabreSpace a better place. thank you. The tagging function has been there for at least a year...
  20. Descriptive topic titles are an asset to our community. It helps community members recognize which conversations they might want to read or participate in. Please refrain from using generic topic titles, including player name only titles. If you can take the time to start a conversation, you can take a moment and properly label it. The original poster can edit the title. Thanks for making SabreSpace a better place.
  21. So, FYI... as a societal manners sort of thing - this discussion is akin to attending a party and discussing in front of the host the various ways you plan to haul food out of their house and tools out of their garage. It costs me $3000/yr (down from $5500/year) to pay for a server that can withstand heavy traffic spikes and provide the performance people enjoy. I'm curious how I should cover those bills if you choose not to participate in the free content/advertiser model? If your position is that service/content providers on the web should foot the entire bill for your internet browsing pleasures then that is a rather disappointing and unsustainable world view.
  22. Actually, it isn't. The original purpose was to have a place to ask questions that have answers/solutions to them, so that they could be marked as "answered/solved".
  23. ??? His money is all cash. He sold.
  24. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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