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Everything posted by SDS

  1. The part that extends below the streak is the white of the eye. The blue indentation on the right side is the pupil.
  2. Jaundice is probably just as good as any word to sum up the Bills franchise.
  3. He's just training to kick your ass someday you know... :nana:
  4. With the Bills moving back to Royal Blue, Red and White, would you want your OneBuffalo to have a single color scheme? The thought is the Sabres will eventually go back to Royal Blue, but would they go one step further and drop the gold for red? Would that make you see red? I find the OneBuffalo logo to be quite tortured.
  5. We call those croutons.
  6. So maybe more of a titty twister? Again, I bet it is much more noticeable on the plane than behind the computer.
  7. I just searched dump and chase Bylsma and let Google lead the way...
  8. FWIW, a quick glance at past schedules gives credence to his claims. When playing both the Oilers and the Flames or the Ducks and the Kings - they are always one after the other. There are times though when one or the other is not on the schedule at all, so they just play the one and move on to the next game.
  9. Read some dump and chase articles late last night, including ones that pertained to Bylsma. Went to sleep a tad depressed... :thumbdown:
  10. Paul Hamilton thinks so... On WGR this morning Dr. Hamilton suggested that the NHL went out of their way to mess with the Sabres schedule as a possible punishment for the last two years. He offered as evidence the west coast trips where it is normal to play Edmonton and Calgary one after the other and LA/Anaheim. However, the NHL uncharacteristically snuck in Vancouver in between Edmonton and Calgary and San Jose in between LA and Anaheim. Also the 8 games in 14 days is more grueling than a playoff schedule and they play every other night... He mentioned that unless you actually "live it" it doesn't get noticed from the fans POV. I have not verified his claims that those trips are always scheduled in that manner...
  11. I have read enough reports to assume the practice is widespread, but FYI, players often play with their preferred stick from their preferred company, but get it painted to match their sponsor's gear.
  12. Has anyone done the stronglifts program?
  13. ????????????. Now why didn't that come up when I searched for sweat? Hells bells. Thank you.
  14. I can't find anything around here!
  15. I have no idea. I would assume no.
  16. Private sector people have high-level security clearances all the time. Think of all those defense contractors. They're not government employees. The real question is that if she has a clearance she would have to have a need to know for any classified information that she does have.
  17. If you are Jack Eichel - scoring doesn't matter because you are a . If you are Ryan O'Reilly heart and soul doesn't matter because you lack scoring prowess. See how that works?
  18. Fairly old trick... been using that for 5 years at least. I assumed most people knew it by now.
  19. SDS

    Locking a GDT

    This is why we can't have nice things.
  20. SDS

    Locking a GDT

    I'm assuming someone meant to unpin it. That action is performed via a drop-down menu and the wrong choice was probably selected. Relax already.
  21. Use the one week free trial or just pay the eight or nine dollars for the month, watch it and cancel.
  22. I didn't realize you had that kind of cash…
  23. text should be posted with [spioler]Spoiler text[/spioler] tags and the word spoiler spelled correctly. You can also find the function top row, third icon from the left on the desktop version.
  24. po-TAY-toe... po-TAH-toe...
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