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Everything posted by SDS

  1. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/bos-vs-buf/2023/09/26/2023010025 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage your calendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  2. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-tor/2023/09/27/2023010032 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage your calendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  3. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-pit/2023/09/28/2023010041 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  4. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/cbj-vs-buf/2023/09/30/2023010056 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  5. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-cbj/2023/10/04/2023010082 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  6. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/pit-vs-buf/2023/10/06/2023010101 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  7. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A single name if far too vague to post as a title and provides little insight into what specifically the post is talking about.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  8. Given that you’re wrong about everything you ever say, I’m gonna guess he’s penciled in as number four.
  9. I’m feeling better about this already. Thank you.
  10. We’re gonna need defensemen playing every year. And there’s no when you’re drafting in the second round that’s going to give you anything now.
  11. I have just trademarked β€œThe Concept of Zack Benson.”
  12. Did you want something different with the 13th pick? Maybe an Andrew Peters type?
  13. Please post about this pick in the pinned thread
  15. When the sabres pick, please talk about the pick in the pinned topic. Please do not talk about the draft pick in this thread.
  16. Post reaction here.
  17. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/nyr-vs-buf/2023/10/12/2023020010 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  18. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-nyi/2023/10/14/2023020027 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  19. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/tbl-vs-buf/2023/10/17/2023020040 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage your calendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  20. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/cgy-vs-buf/2023/10/19/2023020051 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  21. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/nyi-vs-buf/2023/10/21/2023020067 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  22. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/mtl-vs-buf/2023/10/23/2023020082 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  23. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-ott/2023/10/24/2023020085 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  24. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-njd/2023/10/27/2023020113 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
  25. until
    GameCenter Link - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/col-vs-buf/2023/10/29/2023020126 Share - https://rokt.ca/LEjaV You may manage yourcalendar subscription by following - https://nhl.roktcalendar.com/preferences/13d51daf-c42f-4cda-9fc2-1e224695bcaa Powered by Rokt Calendar
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